# FunkLoad test configuration file # $Id: $ # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Main section # [main] title=BasicNavigation description=XXX the TestCase class description # the server url to test url=http://genesrf2.bioinfo.cnio.es # the User-Agent header to send default is 'FunkLoad/1.xx' examples: #user_agent = Opera/8.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) #user_agent = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) #user_agent = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050912 Firefox/1.0.6 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Tests description and configuration # #[test_basic_navigation] #description=XXX the test case description #final_output=No groups that meet the p, minimum correlation and size restrictions. # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Credential access # [credential] host=localhost port=8007 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Monitoring configuration # [monitor] #hosts=localhost # Each host in [monitor]hosts should have a section # with a 'port' and 'description' keys [localhost] port=8008 description=The benching machine # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Configuration for unit test mode fl-run-test # [ftest] # log_to destination = # console - to the screen # file - to a file log_to = console file # log_path = path and file name to store log file log_path = funkload.log # result_path = path to store the xml result file result_path = basic_navigation-test.xml # ok_codes = list of successfull HTTP response code default is 200:301:302 # ok_codes = 200:301:302 # sleeptime_min = minimum amount of time in seconds to sleep between requests # to the host sleep_time_min = 2 # sleeptime_max = maximum amount of time in seconds to sleep between requests # to the host sleep_time_max = 3 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Configuration for bench mode fl-run-bench # [bench] # cycles = list of cycles with their number of concurrent users cycles = 1:2:3 # duration = duration of a cycle in seconds duration = 30 # startup_delay = time to wait between starting-up threads in seconds startup_delay = 0.1 # sleep_time = time to wait between test in seconds sleep_time = 0.1 # cycle_time = time to wait between cycle in seconds cycle_time = 0.1 # same keys than in [ftest] section log_to = file log_path = basic_navigation-bench.log result_path = basic_navigation-bench.xml #ok_codes = 200:301:302 sleep_time_min = 0 sleep_time_max = 0