designated class initilizer
returns yes only if every base of the entry is represented by the bases of the codon in the appropriate order.
returns a BCSequence comprised of the appropriate bases
provides access to a singleton codon that represents a generic non-coding triplet


designated class initilizer

- (BCCodonDNA *)initWithDNASequenceString: (NSString *)sequenceString 
        andAminoAcidString: (NSString *)aaString; 

takes the supplied strings and uses them to get references to the corresponding BCSymbol objects. Will return nil if any of these objects cannot be created with the given strings, or the strings are malformed.


returns yes only if every base of the entry is represented by the bases of the codon in the appropriate order.

- (BOOL) matchesTriplet: (NSArray *)entry; 

implementation of this method accounts for ambiguous bases.


returns a BCSequence comprised of the appropriate bases

- (BCSequence *) triplet; 


provides access to a singleton codon that represents a generic non-coding triplet

+ (BCCodonDNA *)unmatched;

© 2008 The BioCocoa Project.
Last Updated: Wednesday, October 01, 2008