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Revision: 169
Committed: Thu May 24 16:20:12 2007 UTC (17 years, 5 months ago) by lappe
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1 lappe 169 import tools.MySQLConnection;
3     import java.sql.SQLException;
4     import java.sql.Statement;
5     import java.sql.ResultSet;
7     public class maxInfoGain {
9     /**
10     * "Hello World" for entropy calculations given a nbhoodstring
11     *
12     * @author lappe
13     */
15     static String user = "lappe" ; // change user name!!
16     static MySQLConnection conn;
18     public static void main(String[] args) {
19     double entropy = 0.0, newentropy=0.0, gain, maxgain=0.0;
20     String nbhood = "", front, middle, tail, newhood="";
21     if (args.length<1){
22     System.err.println("The starting neighborhood-string needs to be given .... i.e. %K%D%L%I%x%D%C%");
23     System.exit(1);
24     }
25     nbhood = args[0];
27     conn = new MySQLConnection("white",user,"nieve","pdb_reps_graph_4_2");
28     int l = (int)((nbhood.length()-1)/2);
30     while (l>=2) {
31     System.out.println("MaxInfoGain");
32     System.out.print("0 - ("+nbhood+")("+l+") ");
33     entropy = getEntropy( nbhood);
34     System.out.println( entropy + " bits.");
35     System.out.println("Symbols in nbhood :"+l);
36     maxgain = 0.0;
37     for (int i = 0; i<l; i++) {
38     front = nbhood.substring(0,i*2);
39     middle = nbhood.substring(i*2, i*2+2);
40     tail = nbhood.substring(i*2+2);
41     System.out.print((i+1)+" - "+front+"("+middle+")"+tail);
42     newentropy = getEntropy( (front+tail));
43     gain = newentropy-entropy;
44     System.out.print( " : "+newentropy +"bits, gain="+gain);
45     if (gain>maxgain && !(middle.equals("%x"))) {
46     maxgain = gain;
47     newhood = front+tail;
48     System.out.println(" <<-");
49     } else {
50     System.out.println(" .");
51     }
52     } // next symbol in nbhood;
53     if (newhood.equals(nbhood)) { // in case we got stcuk with the same string
54     l=0; // - exit loop
55     } else { // continue with new nbhoodstring
56     nbhood = newhood;
57     l = (int)((nbhood.length()-1)/2);
58     }
59     System.out.println("-->> "+nbhood+"("+l+")");
60     } //
61     System.out.println("fin.");
62     }
66     public static double getEntropy( String nbs) {
67     int total = 0, num;
68     String sql, res;
69     Statement stmt;
70     ResultSet rsst;
71     double p, psum=0.0, logp, plogp, plogpsum=0.0;
73     try {
74     sql = "select count(*) from single_model_node where n like '"+nbs+"';";
75     // System.out.println( sql);
76     stmt = conn.createStatement();
77     rsst = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
78     if ( total = rsst.getInt( 1);
79     rsst.close();
80     stmt.close();
82     sql = "select res, count(*) as t, count(*)/"+total+" as p from single_model_node where n like '"+nbs+"' group by res order by res;";
83     stmt = conn.createStatement();
84     rsst = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
85     // System.out.println("res : total t : fraction p : log2(p) : -p*log2(p)");
86     while ( {
87     res = rsst.getString(1); // 1st column -- res
88     num = rsst.getInt(2); // 2nd column -- num
89     p = rsst.getDouble(3); // 3rd: fraction p
90     // System.out.print(res+" : "+num+ " : " + p);
91     logp = Math.log(p)/Math.log(2.0); // to basis 2 for info in bits
92     // System.out.print(" : " + logp);
93     plogp = -1.0 * p * logp;
94     // System.out.print(" : " + plogp);
95     plogpsum += plogp;
96     psum += p;
97     // System.out.println("");
98     }
99     // System.out.println("Sum :"+total+" : "+psum+" : "+plogpsum);
100     rsst.close();
101     stmt.close();
103     } catch (SQLException e) {
104     e.printStackTrace();
105     System.err.println("SQLException: " + e.getMessage());
106     System.err.println("SQLState: " + e.getSQLState());
107     }
108     return plogpsum;
109     } // end of getEntropy
111     }