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 ../ 419 (17 years ago) by duarte: Re-branching for JUNG2 development 419 (17 years ago) by duarte: Re-branching for JUNG2 development 420 (17 years ago) by duarte: First implementation of the new graph framework using JUNG2. Still a few classes to fix, but all basic functionality is there. NOTE: at the moment ProtStructGraph is a SparseGraph which doesn't guarantee that the graph has no parallel or loop edges (I thought that would be solved by using the SimpleGraph interface but it doesn't, that's only a marker interface) 420 (17 years ago) by duarte: First implementation of the new graph framework using JUNG2. Still a few classes to fix, but all basic functionality is there. NOTE: at the moment ProtStructGraph is a SparseGraph which doesn't guarantee that the graph has no parallel or loop edges (I thought that would be solved by using the SimpleGraph interface but it doesn't, that's only a marker interface)
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