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File Last Change (rev)
src/ 1157 (14 years ago) by jmduarteg: Fixed bug, wasn't computing the nucleotide alignment correctly (was missing the last codon)
scripts/ 1156 (14 years ago) by jmduarteg: More fixes to build script
jars/ 1113 (14 years ago) by jmduarteg: Replacing uniprot japi jar after new uniprot release 2010_07
reconstruct/ 992 (14 years ago) by jmduarteg: Removed unneeded code
.project 1065 (14 years ago) by hstehr: reverting changes to .project and .classpath which were accidentally committed
.classpath 1065 (14 years ago) by hstehr: reverting changes to .project and .classpath which were accidentally committed
gpl.txt 974 (14 years ago) by duarte: Adding license files
LICENSE 974 (14 years ago) by duarte: Adding license files
Manifest.txt 968 (14 years ago) by duarte: Updated make-aglappe script (and renamed to make-owl). Changed aglappe strings to OWL (following new name of library)
         5 files shown


Name Value
svn:ignore .classpath .project .settings