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tools/ 203 (17 years ago) by duarte: Using apache xmlrpc version 3.0 in PyMolServerOutputStream
tinker/ 335 (17 years ago) by duarte: Now ConstraintsMaker works also for multi atom contact types (BB and SC) and crosses (either BB/SC or any cross to a single atom contact type) New file aapairsBounds.dat with values for aminoacid side chains distance lower and upper bounds taken from statistics of a set of pdb representatives New in AAinfo: aapairs2bounds and changed getUpperBoundDistance, getUpperBoundDistance to accomodate aapairs2bounds PRMInfo: now for amber "OXT" gets transformed into "O"
sadp/ 316 (17 years ago) by lpetzo: initial version of sadp
proteinstructure/ 337 (17 years ago) by stehr: Added two new constructors for Graph (sequence only and no parameters), changed interface of GraphAverager (pass target sequence instead of target graph), extracted constant DEFAULT_WEIGHT in Edge. 313 (17 years ago) by lappe: short form to compress nbstrings = condense multiple occurence of a symbol in the nbhstring to 1. Still a bitz buggy. sometimes 2 symbols are left in ? 203 (17 years ago) by duarte: Using apache xmlrpc version 3.0 in PyMolServerOutputStream 114 (18 years ago) by duarte: Initial commit. PyMol API script example, also using our PymolServerOutputStream to send commands directly to server 215 (17 years ago) by stehr: some clean up of exceptions in Pdb and Graph classes: merged PdbAcCodeNotFoundError and MsdAcCodeNotFoundError into PdbCodeNotFoundError, created new PdbChainCodeNotFound, got rid of stderr output, throwing exceptions with informative messages instead 202 (17 years ago) by duarte: MySQLConnection now throwing SQLException on connect Many files changed following this: all calling classes now re-throwing or catching the SQLException 116 (17 years ago) by filippis: fixed according to changes made in 327 (17 years ago) by stehr: fixed missing references to constants in class AA 202 (17 years ago) by duarte: MySQLConnection now throwing SQLException on connect Many files changed following this: all calling classes now re-throwing or catching the SQLException 312 (17 years ago) by lappe: 291 (17 years ago) by lappe: 1st version scoring with pdb_reps_graph_4_2 and full nbhood string 299 (17 years ago) by lappe: only one out of both BB/SC insertion per moves based on sc/bb domin. out of temp shell 202 (17 years ago) by duarte: MySQLConnection now throwing SQLException on connect Many files changed following this: all calling classes now re-throwing or catching the SQLException 202 (17 years ago) by duarte: MySQLConnection now throwing SQLException on connect Many files changed following this: all calling classes now re-throwing or catching the SQLException 24 (18 years ago) by stehr: moved executables (classes with main function) to root directory 202 (17 years ago) by duarte: MySQLConnection now throwing SQLException on connect Many files changed following this: all calling classes now re-throwing or catching the SQLException 202 (17 years ago) by duarte: MySQLConnection now throwing SQLException on connect Many files changed following this: all calling classes now re-throwing or catching the SQLException 268 (17 years ago) by lappe: 202 (17 years ago) by duarte: MySQLConnection now throwing SQLException on connect Many files changed following this: all calling classes now re-throwing or catching the SQLException 202 (17 years ago) by duarte: MySQLConnection now throwing SQLException on connect Many files changed following this: all calling classes now re-throwing or catching the SQLException 202 (17 years ago) by duarte: MySQLConnection now throwing SQLException on connect Many files changed following this: all calling classes now re-throwing or catching the SQLException 269 (17 years ago) by lappe: 267 (17 years ago) by lappe: 285 (17 years ago) by duarte: Fixed a few bugs in reading of list file Better output and error messages 285 (17 years ago) by duarte: Fixed a few bugs in reading of list file Better output and error messages 215 (17 years ago) by stehr: some clean up of exceptions in Pdb and Graph classes: merged PdbAcCodeNotFoundError and MsdAcCodeNotFoundError into PdbCodeNotFoundError, created new PdbChainCodeNotFound, got rid of stderr output, throwing exceptions with informative messages instead 265 (17 years ago) by lappe: final version incl. pessimistic tie-break 266 (17 years ago) by lappe: 271 (17 years ago) by lappe: 272 (17 years ago) by lappe: 303 (17 years ago) by stehr: added writeResultsToFile() 254 (17 years ago) by duarte: Also writing graph to file
Manifest.txt 321 (17 years ago) by stehr: added test program for difference distance maps, updated Manifest to v0.8.5
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