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Revision: 466
Committed: Mon Dec 10 13:49:51 2007 UTC (17 years, 2 months ago) by lpetzo
File size: 5968 byte(s)
Log Message:
- merge the changes from the jung-branch: *Pdb loading scheme together with new methods getChains(), getModels()
- different exceptions
Line File contents
1 import*;
2 import java.sql.*;
3 import java.util.*;
4 import proteinstructure.*;
5 import tools.MySQLConnection;
7 // TODO:
8 // - how will the distribution look like for randomly drawing from the unit square? (use Ioannis' random graphs?)
9 // - what is the maximum and expected number of points per square? how does that translate into runtime
10 // Problems:
11 // - surface effect (distinguish surface/core)
12 // - translation of grid (-> kdtrees)
13 // Space of grid:
14 // - when assuming spherical proteins and constant density, grid size grows linearly
15 // - in the worst case of completely linear proteins, grid size growth is cubic
16 // - for the protein case, do benchmark (to prove linear runtime, estimate runtime constants and space exponent)
17 // - test whether rotating (by using principle components?) improves runtime/space
19 public class calculateGridDensity {
21 /*------------------------------ constants ------------------------------*/
23 // database with a list of pdb codes and chain codes to process
24 public static String DB_NAME = "pdb_reps";
25 public static String DB_TABLE = "reps";
26 public static String DB_COL_PDB = "accession_code";
27 public static String DB_COL_CHAIN = "chain_pdb_code";
29 public static String PDB_DB = "pdbase";
30 public static String DB_HOST = "white";
31 public static String DB_USER = getUserName();
32 public static String DB_PWD = "nieve";
34 public static String PDB_CODE = "1tdr";
35 public static String CHAIN_CODE = "B";
36 public static String edgeType = "Ca";
37 public static double cutoff_from = 4.0;
38 public static double cutoff_to = 15.0;
39 public static double cutoff_step = 1.0;
40 public static int limit = 100;
42 public static String outFileName = "grid_nbs_pdbreps100";
44 /*---------------------------- private methods --------------------------*/
45 /**
46 * Get user name from operating system (for use as database username).
47 * */
48 private static String getUserName() {
49 String user = null;
50 user = System.getProperty("");
51 if(user == null) {
52 System.err.println("Could not get user name from operating system.");
53 }
54 return user;
55 }
57 private static void calcDensity(String pdbCode, String chainCode, double cutoff, String egdeType, MySQLConnection conn, Map<Integer, Integer> densityCount) {
58 Pdb pdb = null;
59 try {
60 pdb = new PdbasePdb(pdbCode, PDB_DB, conn);
61 pdb.load(chainCode);
62 // add to density count vector
63 pdb.calcGridDensity(edgeType, cutoff, densityCount);
65 } catch (PdbLoadError e) {
66 System.out.println("Error loading " + pdbCode + chainCode+", specific error: "+e.getMessage());
67 } catch (PdbCodeNotFoundError e) {
68 e.printStackTrace();
69 } catch (SQLException e) {
70 e.printStackTrace();
71 }
73 }
75 public static void printValues(Map<Integer, Integer> v, PrintStream out) {
76 int atoms = 0;
77 for(int size:v.keySet()) {
78 out.println(size + "\t" + v.get(size));
79 atoms += size*v.get(size);
80 }
81 //out.println("Atoms: " + atoms);
82 }
85 public static void writeResultToFile(Map<Integer, Integer> v, String baseName, String edgeType, double cutoff) {
86 try {
87 File outFile = new File(baseName + "_" + edgeType + "_" + cutoff + ".out");
88 if(outFile.exists()) {
89 outFile.delete();
90 }
91 outFile.createNewFile();
92 printValues(v, new PrintStream(outFile));
93 System.out.println("Results written to file " + outFile.getName());
95 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
96 e.printStackTrace();
97 } catch (IOException e) {
98 e.printStackTrace();
99 }
100 }
103 public static void writeResultToDb(Map<Integer, Integer> v) {
104 // insert into runs(run_id, edgeType, cutoff, timestamp, proteins, points, cells, avg_pts_per_cell, max_pts_per_cell, avg_pts_per_area, max_pts_per_area)
105 // insert into density_distr(run_id, points_per_cell, num_cells)
106 // do another run for values per protein (run_id, pdb_id, chain_id, num_res, num_atoms, num_cells, surface_cells, core_cells, surface_area, volume)
108 }
110 public static Map<Integer, Integer> calcDensity(MySQLConnection conn, String edgeType, double cutoff, boolean verbose) {
111 Map<Integer, Integer> densityCount = new TreeMap<Integer,Integer>();
112 String pdbCode, chainCode;
113 int numPdbs = 0;
115 if(verbose) {
116 System.out.print(edgeType + " " + cutoff + ": ");
117 }
119 // read structures from database
120 String query = "SELECT DISTINCT " + DB_COL_PDB + "," + DB_COL_CHAIN + " FROM " + DB_NAME + "." + DB_TABLE + " LIMIT " + limit + ";" ;
121 Statement stmt;
122 try {
123 stmt = conn.createStatement();
124 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
125 while( {
126 pdbCode = rs.getString(1);
127 chainCode = rs.getString(2);
129 if(chainCode == null) {
130 chainCode = "NULL";
131 }
132 numPdbs++;
134 // calculate statistics
135 calcDensity(pdbCode, chainCode, cutoff, edgeType, conn, densityCount); // will add to densityCount
136 if(verbose) {
137 if(numPdbs %2 == 0) {
138 System.out.print('\b');
139 } else {
140 System.out.print(".");
141 }
142 if(numPdbs % 500 == 0) System.out.print(numPdbs + " ");
143 }
145 // for each protein write to db: pdb, chain, num_res, volume, max_density
146 }
147 rs.close();
148 stmt.close();
149 if(verbose) System.out.println(".");
151 } catch (SQLException e) {
152 e.printStackTrace();
153 }
154 return densityCount;
155 }
157 public static void main(String[] args) {
158 MySQLConnection conn = null;
159 Map<Integer, Integer> densityCount = null;
160 double cutoff;
162 // opening db connection
163 try{
164 conn = new MySQLConnection(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD);
165 } catch (Exception e) {
166 System.err.println("Error opening database connection. Exiting");
167 System.exit(1);
168 }
170 for(cutoff = cutoff_from; cutoff <= cutoff_to; cutoff += cutoff_step) {
171 // run calculation
172 densityCount = calcDensity(conn, edgeType, cutoff, true);
174 // output results
175 //printValues(densityCount, System.out);
176 writeResultToFile(densityCount, outFileName, edgeType, cutoff);
177 }
178 System.out.println("Done.");
180 }
182 }