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 ../ 135 (17 years ago) by duarte: NEW FUNCTIONALITY: reading of graph from db is fully implemented for all cases New chain member variable in the Info classes, read in get_asym_id (Pdbase) and in get_chain_id (Msdsd) Reading chain also in Pdb in read_pdb_data_from_file Not reading chain anymore in read_atomData of PdbaseInfo Added oneletter2threeletter and getoneletter2threeletter to AA class Changes in Graph: - added db static vars and getUserName method - new member variables graphid and sm_id - new method read_graph_from_db to read contacts, nodes (and sequence from nodes) from db - new method getgraphid New Exception class GraphIdNotFoundError 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 175 (17 years ago) by duarte: FIXED BUG in initialisation of fullLength when reading from file. In case of no sequence and nodes provided, was not getting correctly the maximum value for contacts. Now using the method getMaxContact from new class ContactList NEW FUNCTIONALITY in Graph: -New member variable modified -New methods addEdge, delEdge, restrictContactsToMaxRange, restrictContactsToMinRange, getContacts, getNodes, copy -Improved slightly the implementation of getEdgeNbh FIXED BUG in initialisation of fullLenght when reading from file. In case of no sequence and nodes provided, was not getting correctly the maximum value for contacts. Now using the method getMaxContact from ContactList New class ContactList NEW FUNCTIONALITY in Graph: -New member variable modified -New methods addEdge, delEdge, restrictContactsToMaxRange, restrictContactsToMinRange, getContacts, getNodes, copy -Improved slightly the implementation of getEdgeNbh New method getRange in Contact 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 175 (17 years ago) by duarte: FIXED BUG in initialisation of fullLength when reading from file. In case of no sequence and nodes provided, was not getting correctly the maximum value for contacts. Now using the method getMaxContact from new class ContactList NEW FUNCTIONALITY in Graph: -New member variable modified -New methods addEdge, delEdge, restrictContactsToMaxRange, restrictContactsToMinRange, getContacts, getNodes, copy -Improved slightly the implementation of getEdgeNbh FIXED BUG in initialisation of fullLenght when reading from file. In case of no sequence and nodes provided, was not getting correctly the maximum value for contacts. Now using the method getMaxContact from ContactList New class ContactList NEW FUNCTIONALITY in Graph: -New member variable modified -New methods addEdge, delEdge, restrictContactsToMaxRange, restrictContactsToMinRange, getContacts, getNodes, copy -Improved slightly the implementation of getEdgeNbh New method getRange in Contact 178 (17 years ago) by duarte: Fixed bug in getMaxRange method, was not assigning to the max variable Added toString method to Contact 178 (17 years ago) by duarte: Fixed bug in getMaxRange method, was not assigning to the max variable Added toString method to Contact 135 (17 years ago) by duarte: NEW FUNCTIONALITY: reading of graph from db is fully implemented for all cases New chain member variable in the Info classes, read in get_asym_id (Pdbase) and in get_chain_id (Msdsd) Reading chain also in Pdb in read_pdb_data_from_file Not reading chain anymore in read_atomData of PdbaseInfo Added oneletter2threeletter and getoneletter2threeletter to AA class Changes in Graph: - added db static vars and getUserName method - new member variables graphid and sm_id - new method read_graph_from_db to read contacts, nodes (and sequence from nodes) from db - new method getgraphid New Exception class GraphIdNotFoundError
(Current path doesn't exist after revision 950)
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