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 ../ 259 (17 years ago) by stehr: completed first version of dssp secondary structure assignment, can be switched on/off by status variable in Start, some other little fixes 259 (17 years ago) by stehr: completed first version of dssp secondary structure assignment, can be switched on/off by status variable in Start, some other little fixes 208 (17 years ago) by duarte: FIXED BUGS: - directed was not set when reading from cm file - pdbChainCode not set when reading from db given pdbCode - filling pdbresser2resser and resser2pdbresser hashmaps also in reading from pdb file - using "A" as chainCode when reading from pdb file - some error handling for file formats: new exception classes GraphFileFormatError and PdbfileFormatError 259 (17 years ago) by stehr: completed first version of dssp secondary structure assignment, can be switched on/off by status variable in Start, some other little fixes 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 215 (17 years ago) by stehr: some clean up of exceptions in Pdb and Graph classes: merged PdbAcCodeNotFoundError and MsdAcCodeNotFoundError into PdbCodeNotFoundError, created new PdbChainCodeNotFound, got rid of stderr output, throwing exceptions with informative messages instead 215 (17 years ago) by stehr: some clean up of exceptions in Pdb and Graph classes: merged PdbAcCodeNotFoundError and MsdAcCodeNotFoundError into PdbCodeNotFoundError, created new PdbChainCodeNotFound, got rid of stderr output, throwing exceptions with informative messages instead 259 (17 years ago) by stehr: completed first version of dssp secondary structure assignment, can be switched on/off by status variable in Start, some other little fixes 230 (17 years ago) by stehr: added class NodeSet 233 (17 years ago) by duarte: Added method getCopy 242 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of doneRes ArrayList in getRanks, was redundant 259 (17 years ago) by stehr: completed first version of dssp secondary structure assignment, can be switched on/off by status variable in Start, some other little fixes 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 222 (17 years ago) by duarte: New secstruct2resinterval TreeMap to store secondary structure elements as a map of ss string ids to intervals New class Interval 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 208 (17 years ago) by duarte: FIXED BUGS: - directed was not set when reading from cm file - pdbChainCode not set when reading from db given pdbCode - filling pdbresser2resser and resser2pdbresser hashmaps also in reading from pdb file - using "A" as chainCode when reading from pdb file - some error handling for file formats: new exception classes GraphFileFormatError and PdbfileFormatError 252 (17 years ago) by duarte: Made constructor public 185 (17 years ago) by duarte: Implemented hashCode method in Contact and GenericContact. Was necessary to use these classes as keys in Maps Fixed bug in equals method in GenericContact Changed middle character from "\t" to " " in toString 234 (17 years ago) by duarte: Made ContactList a TreeSet instead of an ArrayList, should improve performance (log(n) rather than linear) REFACTORING: ContactList -> EdgeSet Contact -> Edge 234 (17 years ago) by duarte: Made ContactList a TreeSet instead of an ArrayList, should improve performance (log(n) rather than linear) REFACTORING: ContactList -> EdgeSet Contact -> Edge 196 (17 years ago) by duarte: Added toString and getMotifFullGaps missing in EdgeNbh 238 (17 years ago) by duarte: Optimised slightly the compareTo method in Edge 234 (17 years ago) by duarte: Made ContactList a TreeSet instead of an ArrayList, should improve performance (log(n) rather than linear) REFACTORING: ContactList -> EdgeSet Contact -> Edge 237 (17 years ago) by duarte: Now rmsd calculation works for 2 Pdb objects where there are missing residues (unobserved) or missing atoms New Exception ConformationNotSameSizeError Still not printing out individual distances between 2 conformations (altghough it is possible) Can't specify yet a restricted range of residues to calculate rmsd only with them 250 (17 years ago) by stehr: added application to count grid density, suppressed warning for secondary structure reassignment 248 (17 years ago) by duarte: Added method hasTag 229 (17 years ago) by duarte: Now calculate_dist_matrix returns the matrix with residue serials as indices (rather than atom serials) Now AA.isValidSingleCT and AA.isValidMultiCT check also for crossed cases
(Current path doesn't exist after revision 950)
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