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 ../ 229 (17 years ago) by duarte: Now calculate_dist_matrix returns the matrix with residue serials as indices (rather than atom serials) Now AA.isValidSingleCT and AA.isValidMultiCT check also for crossed cases 248 (17 years ago) by duarte: Added method hasTag 282 (17 years ago) by duarte: Made get_graph a bit less memory hungry, by using a float[][] instead of double[][] Not printing warnings about missing atoms anymore 306 (17 years ago) by duarte: First implementation of mmCIF file parser. Tested minimally. 237 (17 years ago) by duarte: Now rmsd calculation works for 2 Pdb objects where there are missing residues (unobserved) or missing atoms New Exception ConformationNotSameSizeError Still not printing out individual distances between 2 conformations (altghough it is possible) Can't specify yet a restricted range of residues to calculate rmsd only with them 284 (17 years ago) by duarte: Introduced weights in Graph objects: we can read them from file or db and write them into file or db. On calling pdb.get_graph the weighs are taken as number of atom-edges per residue-edge (similar to Ioannis weights in chain_graph tables) 238 (17 years ago) by duarte: Optimised slightly the compareTo method in Edge 196 (17 years ago) by duarte: Added toString and getMotifFullGaps missing in EdgeNbh 234 (17 years ago) by duarte: Made ContactList a TreeSet instead of an ArrayList, should improve performance (log(n) rather than linear) REFACTORING: ContactList -> EdgeSet Contact -> Edge 284 (17 years ago) by duarte: Introduced weights in Graph objects: we can read them from file or db and write them into file or db. On calling pdb.get_graph the weighs are taken as number of atom-edges per residue-edge (similar to Ioannis weights in chain_graph tables) 185 (17 years ago) by duarte: Implemented hashCode method in Contact and GenericContact. Was necessary to use these classes as keys in Maps Fixed bug in equals method in GenericContact Changed middle character from "\t" to " " in toString 288 (17 years ago) by spriya: Better checks for sequence equality in compare 208 (17 years ago) by duarte: FIXED BUGS: - directed was not set when reading from cm file - pdbChainCode not set when reading from db given pdbCode - filling pdbresser2resser and resser2pdbresser hashmaps also in reading from pdb file - using "A" as chainCode when reading from pdb file - some error handling for file formats: new exception classes GraphFileFormatError and PdbfileFormatError 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 222 (17 years ago) by duarte: New secstruct2resinterval TreeMap to store secondary structure elements as a map of ss string ids to intervals New class Interval 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 278 (17 years ago) by duarte: Fixed bug with getFullLength when reading from pdb file Now if SEQRES was missing then fullLength is maximum observed residue number instead of total number of observed residue numbers New member variables obsLength and fullLength 242 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of doneRes ArrayList in getRanks, was redundant 281 (17 years ago) by stehr: fixed little bug in NodeNbh 230 (17 years ago) by stehr: added class NodeSet 302 (17 years ago) by stehr: changes to calcGridDensity, now also counts number of neighbouring non-empty grid cells 215 (17 years ago) by stehr: some clean up of exceptions in Pdb and Graph classes: merged PdbAcCodeNotFoundError and MsdAcCodeNotFoundError into PdbCodeNotFoundError, created new PdbChainCodeNotFound, got rid of stderr output, throwing exceptions with informative messages instead 215 (17 years ago) by stehr: some clean up of exceptions in Pdb and Graph classes: merged PdbAcCodeNotFoundError and MsdAcCodeNotFoundError into PdbCodeNotFoundError, created new PdbChainCodeNotFound, got rid of stderr output, throwing exceptions with informative messages instead 172 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of some unnecessary warnings 305 (17 years ago) by duarte: Got rid of useless (and potential bug) chainCode=getChainCode (self reference!) 208 (17 years ago) by duarte: FIXED BUGS: - directed was not set when reading from cm file - pdbChainCode not set when reading from db given pdbCode - filling pdbresser2resser and resser2pdbresser hashmaps also in reading from pdb file - using "A" as chainCode when reading from pdb file - some error handling for file formats: new exception classes GraphFileFormatError and PdbfileFormatError 301 (17 years ago) by stehr: changed constant for unknown pdb code from "Unknown" to XXXX 274 (17 years ago) by stehr: Added new SecondaryStructure object to Pdb and Graph 276 (17 years ago) by duarte: Added secondary structure to write_graph_to_db New method getNumSecStructureElements in SecondaryStructure
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