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Revision: 338
Committed: Fri Oct 5 11:56:28 2007 UTC (16 years, 11 months ago) by duarte
File size: 9727 byte(s)
Log Message:
Initial commit of reconstruct script. Works only sometimes!! Some others doesn't run distgeom without apparent reason!
Throwing less exceptions in ConstraintsMaker
Line User Rev File contents
1 duarte 338 import gnu.getopt.Getopt;
3     import;
4     import;
5     import;
6     import java.sql.SQLException;
7     import java.util.Formatter;
9     import proteinstructure.ConformationsNotSameSizeError;
10     import proteinstructure.Graph;
11     import proteinstructure.Pdb;
12     import proteinstructure.PdbChainCodeNotFoundError;
13     import proteinstructure.PdbCodeNotFoundError;
14     import proteinstructure.PdbaseInconsistencyError;
15     import proteinstructure.PdbasePdb;
16     import proteinstructure.PdbfileFormatError;
17     import proteinstructure.PdbfilePdb;
19     import tinker.ConstraintsMaker;
20     import tinker.TinkerError;
21     import tinker.TinkerRunner;
24     public class reconstruct {
27     private static final String TINKERBINDIR = "/project/StruPPi/Software/tinker/bin";
28     private static final String PRMFILE = "/project/StruPPi/Software/tinker/amber/amber99.prm";
29     private static final String PRMTYPE = "amber";
31     public static void main(String[] args) {
33     String programName = reconstruct.class.getName();
34     String help = "Usage:\n" +
35     programName+" -p <pdb code> -c <pdb chain code> -t <contact_type> [-r] -d <distance cutoff 1> -D <distance cutoff 2> -i <distance cutoff 3> -b <base name> -o <output dir> [-n <number of models>]\n";
37     String pdbCode = "";
38     String pdbChainCode = "";
39     String ct = "";
40     double cutoff1 = 0.0;
41     double cutoff2 = 0.0;
42     double cutoff3 = 0.0;
43     String outputDir = "";
44     String baseName = "";
45     boolean cross = false;
46     int n = 1;
48     Getopt g = new Getopt(programName, args, "p:c:d:t:rb:o:d:D:i:n:h?");
49     int c;
50     while ((c = g.getopt()) != -1) {
51     switch(c){
52     case 'p':
53     pdbCode = g.getOptarg();
54     break;
55     case 'c':
56     pdbChainCode = g.getOptarg();
57     break;
58     case 't':
59     ct = g.getOptarg();
60     break;
61     case 'r':
62     cross = true;
63     break;
64     case 'd':
65     cutoff1 = Double.valueOf(g.getOptarg());
66     break;
67     case 'D':
68     cutoff2 = Double.valueOf(g.getOptarg());
69     break;
70     case 'i':
71     cutoff3 = Double.valueOf(g.getOptarg());
72     break;
73     case 'b':
74     baseName = g.getOptarg();
75     break;
76     case 'o':
77     outputDir = g.getOptarg();
78     break;
79     case 'n':
80     n = Integer.parseInt(g.getOptarg());
81     break;
82     case 'h':
83     case '?':
84     System.out.println(help);
85     System.exit(0);
86     break; // getopt() already printed an error
87     }
88     }
90     if (pdbCode.equals("") || pdbChainCode.equals("") || ct.equals("") || cutoff1==0.0 || outputDir.equals("") || baseName.equals("")){
91     System.err.println("Must specify at least -p, -c, -t, -d, -o and -b");
92     System.err.println(help);
93     System.exit(1);
94     }
96     boolean doublecm = false;
97     String ct1 = ct;
98     String ct2 = ct;
99     String ct3 = null;
100     if (ct.contains("_")) {
101     ct1 = ct.split("_")[0];
102     ct2 = ct.split("_")[1];
103     doublecm = true;
104     }
105     if (cross) {
106     ct3 = ct1+"/"+ct2;
107     }
109     if (cutoff2==0.0) {
110     cutoff2 = cutoff1;
111     }
112     if (cutoff3==0.0) {
113     cutoff3 = cutoff1;
114     }
117     Pdb pdb = null;
118     try {
119     pdb = new PdbasePdb(pdbCode,pdbChainCode);
120     } catch (PdbaseInconsistencyError e) {
121     System.err.println("Pdbase inconsistency for structure "+pdbCode+". Can't continue, exiting");
122     System.exit(1);
123     } catch (PdbCodeNotFoundError e) {
124     System.err.println("Given pdb code "+pdbCode+" couldn't be found in pdbase. Exiting");
125     System.exit(1);
126     } catch (SQLException e) {
127     System.err.println("Problems connecting to database for getting pdb data for "+pdbCode+". Exiting");
128     System.exit(1);
129     } catch (PdbChainCodeNotFoundError e) {
130     System.err.println("Given pdb chain code "+pdbChainCode+" couldn't be found for pdb code "+pdbCode+". Exiting");
131     System.exit(1);
132     }
133     String sequence = pdb.getSequence();
135     Graph graph1 = pdb.get_graph(ct1, cutoff1);
136     Graph graph2 = null;
137     Graph graph3 = null;
138     if (doublecm) {
139     graph2 = pdb.get_graph(ct2, cutoff2);
140     }
141     if (cross) {
142     graph3 = pdb.get_graph(ct3, cutoff3);
143     }
146     // defining files
147     File logFile = new File(outputDir,"tinker.log");
148     File prmFile = new File(PRMFILE);
149     File xyzFile = new File(outputDir,baseName+".xyz");
150     File seqFile = new File(outputDir,baseName+".seq");
151     File pdbFile = new File(outputDir,baseName+".pdb");
152     File keyFile = new File(outputDir,baseName+".key");
154     // creating TinkerRunner object
155     TinkerRunner tr = null;
156     try {
157     tr = new TinkerRunner(TINKERBINDIR,PRMFILE,logFile);
158     } catch (FileNotFoundException e3) {
159     System.err.println("Couldn't find tinker bin dir "+TINKERBINDIR+". Exiting");
160     System.exit(1);
161     }
163     // 1. run tinker's protein program
164     try {
165     tr.runProtein(sequence, outputDir, baseName );
166     } catch (IOException e2) {
167     System.err.println("Couldn't read file to run 'protein' "+seqFile.getAbsolutePath());
168     System.err.println("Exiting");
169     System.exit(1);
170     } catch (TinkerError e2) {
171     System.err.println("Tinker error while running 'protein', check log file "+logFile.getAbsolutePath()+". Exiting");
172     System.exit(1);
173     }
175     // 1a. convert xyz file to pdb to be able to map atom serials after
176     try {
177     tr.runXyzpdb(xyzFile, seqFile, pdbFile);
178     } catch (IOException e1) {
179     System.err.println("Couldn't read files "+xyzFile.getAbsolutePath()+" or "+seqFile.getAbsolutePath()+" or write to "+pdbFile.getAbsolutePath()+" for running 'xyzpdb'");
180     System.err.println("Exiting");
181     System.exit(1);
182     } catch (TinkerError e1) {
183     System.err.println("Tinker error while running xyzpdb, check log file "+logFile.getAbsolutePath()+". Exiting");
184     System.exit(1);
185     }
187     // 2. creating constraints into key file
188     ConstraintsMaker cm = null;
189     try {
190     cm = new ConstraintsMaker(pdbFile,xyzFile,prmFile,PRMTYPE,keyFile);
191     } catch (IOException e3) {
192     System.err.println("Couldn't read files "+xyzFile.getAbsolutePath()+", "+pdbFile.getAbsolutePath()+" or, "+prmFile.getAbsolutePath()+" write to "+keyFile.getAbsolutePath()+" for creating distance constraints");
193     System.err.println("Exiting");
194     System.exit(1);
195     } catch (PdbfileFormatError e3) {
196     System.err.println("pdb file "+pdbFile.getAbsolutePath()+" converted from "+xyzFile.getAbsolutePath()+" doesn't seem to be in the right format. Check log? ("+logFile.getAbsolutePath()+"). Exiting");
197     System.exit(1);
198     }
199     try {
200     cm.createConstraints(graph1);
201     if (doublecm) cm.createConstraints(graph2);
202     if (cross) cm.createConstraints(graph3);
203     } catch (Exception e2) {
204     System.err.println("Invalid contact type for writing constraints.");
205     System.err.println("Error: "+e2.getMessage());
206     System.err.println("Exiting");
207     System.exit(1);
208     }
209     cm.closeKeyFile();
211     // 3. run tinker's distgeom
212     try {
213     System.out.println("Running distgeom...");
214     tr.runDistgeom(xyzFile, outputDir, baseName, n);
215     } catch (TinkerError e1) {
216     System.err.println("Tinker error while running 'distgeom', check log file "+logFile.getAbsolutePath()+". Exiting");
217     System.exit(1);
218     } catch (IOException e1) {
219     System.err.println("Couldn't read files "+xyzFile.getAbsolutePath()+" or write 'distgeom' output files to output dir "+outputDir);
220     System.err.println("Exiting");
221     System.exit(1);
222     }
224     double[] mubv = tr.getMaxUpperBoundViol();
225     double[] mlbv = tr.getMaxLowerBoundViol();
226     double[] muv = tr.getMaxUpperViol();
227     double[] mlv = tr.getMaxLowerViol();
228     int[] nubv = tr.getNumUpperBoundViol();
229     int[] nlbv = tr.getNumLowerBoundViol();
230     int[] nuv = tr.getNumUpperViol();
231     int[] nlv = tr.getNumLowerViol();
232     double[] rbv = tr.getRmsBoundViol();
233     double[] rrv = tr.getRmsRestViol();
236     // 4. converting xyz output files to pdb files and calculating rmsds
238     double[] rmsds = new double[n+1];
240     for (int i = 1; i<=n; i++) {
241     String ext = new Formatter().format(".%03d",i).toString();
242     File outputXyzFile = new File(outputDir, baseName+ext);
243     File outputPdbFile = new File(outputDir, baseName+ext+".pdb");
244     try {
245     tr.runXyzpdb(outputXyzFile, seqFile, outputPdbFile);
247     Pdb outputPdb = new PdbfilePdb(outputPdbFile.getAbsolutePath(),"NULL");
248     rmsds[i] = pdb.rmsd(outputPdb, "Ca");
250     } catch (IOException e) {
251     System.err.println("Couldn't read file "+outputXyzFile.getAbsolutePath()+", or "+seqFile.getAbsolutePath()+", or write to "+outputPdbFile.getAbsolutePath()+" while converting with 'xyzpdb'");
252     System.err.println("Can't calculate rmsd for it");
253     } catch (TinkerError e) {
254     System.err.println("Tinker error while running 'xyzpdb' to convert"+outputXyzFile.getAbsolutePath()+", check log file "+logFile.getAbsolutePath());
255     System.err.println("Can't calculate rmsd for it");
256     }
257     catch (PdbfileFormatError e) {
258     System.err.println("Output pdb file "+outputPdbFile.getAbsolutePath()+" doesn't seem to be in the correcet format. Can't calculate rmsd for it");
259     } catch (PdbChainCodeNotFoundError e) {
260     // this shouldn't happen, chain code is hard coded, we throw stack trace and continue if it happens
261     e.printStackTrace();
262     } catch (ConformationsNotSameSizeError e) {
263     System.err.println(pdbFile.getAbsolutePath()+" and "+outputPdbFile.getAbsolutePath()+" don't have the same conformation size, can't calculate rmsd for them.");
264     }
266     tr.closeLog();
267     }
270     // 6. report
271     System.out.println("accession_code\tchain_pdb_code\tcutoff\tcutoff2\tcutoff3\tct\tct2\tct3" +
272     "\tresult_id\tup_bound_viol\tlow_bound_viol\tmax_bound_up\tmax_bound_low\trms_bound" +
273     "\tup_viol\tlow_viol\tmax_up\tmax_low\trms_viol\trmsd_to_orig");
275     for (int i=1;i<=n;i++){
276     System.out.println(pdbCode+"\t"+pdbChainCode+"\t"+cutoff1+"\t"+cutoff2+"\t"+cutoff3+"\t"+ct1+"\t"+ct2+"\t"+ct3+"\t"+
277     i+nubv[i]+"\t"+nlbv[i]+"\t"+mubv[i]+"\t"+mlbv[i]+"\t"+muv[i]+"\t"+mlv[i]+"\t"+rbv[i]+"\t"+
278     "\t"+nuv[i]+"\t"+nlv[i]+"\t"+rrv[i]+"\t"+rmsds[i]);
279     }
281     }
283     }