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Revision: 492
Committed: Wed Jan 2 13:18:57 2008 UTC (16 years, 8 months ago) by duarte
File size: 6363 byte(s)
Log Message:
Copied the aglappe-jung branch into trunk.

Line User Rev File contents
1 lappe 290 import tools.MySQLConnection;
3     import java.sql.SQLException;
4     import java.sql.Statement;
5     import java.sql.ResultSet;
7     public class rewriteNBHood {
9 lappe 292 /**
10     * rewriting the nbhoodstring such that BB dominated nbs are represented by SSType
11 lappe 295 * only single gapsymbol is used for nbhood and fullstring _With _Gaps (nwg and fwg)
12 lappe 292 * output to stdout such that it can be read by
13 lappe 295 * mysql> load data infile '/scratch/local/cullpdb/cullpdb_20.nbhoods' into table nbstrings;
14 lappe 292 * see bottom for table definition
15     * @author lappe
16     */
17 lappe 290
18 lappe 292 static String user = "lappe", fullnbs="", gapnbs="", nums="", gaphood=""; // change user name!!
19     static MySQLConnection conn;
20     static int k=0, k_sc=0, k_bb=0;
21     static int minDmeansSC=10; // above this threshold contacts are assumed to be SC dominated
22 lappe 299 static String backgrndDB = "cullpdb_90";
23 lappe 290
24 lappe 292 public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
25     String nbhood = "", msql, cid, res, sectype;
26     int graph_id=0, node_id=0, resnr=0;
27     // System.out.println("rewriteNBHood v.0.2");
28     conn = new MySQLConnection("white",user,"nieve", backgrndDB);
29     Statement mstmt;
30     ResultSet mrsst;
31 lappe 290
32 lappe 292 try {
33     msql = "select graph_id, node_id, cid, num, res, sstype from single_model_node where sstype is not null;";
34     // System.out.println("nodes> "+ msql);
35     mstmt = conn.createStatement();
36     mrsst = mstmt.executeQuery(msql);
37 lappe 290
38 lappe 292 while ( {
39     // System.out.print(">");
40     graph_id=mrsst.getInt(1);
41     node_id =mrsst.getInt(2);
42     cid =mrsst.getString(3);
43     resnr =mrsst.getInt(4);
44     res =mrsst.getString(5);
45     sectype =mrsst.getString(6);
46     System.out.print(graph_id); // graph
47     System.out.print("\t"+node_id); // node
48     System.out.print("\t"+cid); // cid
49     System.out.print("\t"+resnr); // num
50     System.out.print("\t"+res); // res
51     System.out.print("\t"+sectype); // sstype
52 lappe 290
53 lappe 292 nbhood= getSSNbHoodString( graph_id, cid, resnr);
54     System.out.print("\t"+k);
55     System.out.print("\t"+k_bb);
56     System.out.print("\t"+k_sc);
57     System.out.print("\t"+nbhood);
58     System.out.print("\t"+gaphood);
59     System.out.print("\t"+fullnbs);
60     System.out.print("\t"+gapnbs);
61     // System.out.print("\t"+nums);
62     System.out.println();
63 lappe 290
64 lappe 292 }
65     mrsst.close();
66     mstmt.close();
67 lappe 290
68 lappe 292 } catch (SQLException e) {
69     e.printStackTrace();
70     System.err.println("SQLException: " + e.getMessage());
71     System.err.println("SQLState: " + e.getSQLState());
72     }
73 lappe 290
74 lappe 292 // System.out.println("fin.");
75     }
76 lappe 290
77 lappe 292 public static String getSSNbHoodString( int gid, String cid, int num ) {
78     int j_num, j_bb, j_sc, lastnum=0;
79     boolean overx=false;
80     String sql, nbs="", j_res, j_ss, nextnb, gapsym="", xgapsym="";
81     Statement stmt;
82     ResultSet rsst;
83 lappe 290
84 lappe 292 try {
85     k=0; k_sc=0; k_bb=0; // initialising the degreecounts with 0
86     sql = "select j_num, j_res, j_sstype, weight_BB, weight_SC from single_model_edge where graph_id="+gid+" and i_cid='"+cid+"' and i_num="+num+" order by j_num;";
87     stmt = conn.createStatement();
88     rsst = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
89     fullnbs="";
90     gapnbs="";
91     gaphood="";
92     nums="";
93     while ( {
94     gapsym="";
95     xgapsym="";
96     j_num = rsst.getInt(1);
97     j_res = rsst.getString(2);
98     j_ss = rsst.getString(3);
99     j_bb = rsst.getInt(4);
100     j_sc = rsst.getInt(5);
101     // System.out.print("\n-> "+j_res+" "+j_num+" "+j_ss+" "+"("+j_sc+"/"+j_bb+")");
102     nextnb="?";
103     if (lastnum>0 && ((j_num-lastnum)>=2)) gapsym="%";
104     if (!overx && j_num>num) {
105     overx=true;
106     nbs+="x";
107     fullnbs+="x";
108     nums+=(" ("+num+") ");
109     if (lastnum>0 && ((num-lastnum)>2)) xgapsym="%";
110     gapnbs+=xgapsym+"x";
111     gaphood+=xgapsym+"x";
112     gapsym="";
113     if ((j_num-num)>=2) gapsym="%";
114     }
115     // conversion of BB dominated contacts
116     if (j_sc==0 && j_bb==0) { // both values are 0 -> decide by sequence sparation
117     // System.out.print("SC&BB=0");
118     if ( Math.abs( num-j_num)>=minDmeansSC) {
119     nextnb=j_res;
120     k_sc++;
121     // System.out.print(" -> SC ");
122     } else {
123     nextnb=xlateSS( j_ss);
124     k_bb++;
125     // System.out.print(" -> BB ");
126     } // end if Math.abs( num-j_num)>=minDmeansSC
127     } else { // at least 1 value is non zero
128     // System.out.print("SC>0 or BB>0");
129     if ( (j_bb>j_sc) ) { // bb dominated -> only symbol for sstype
130     k_bb++;
131     nextnb=xlateSS( j_ss);
132     // System.out.print(" -> BB ");
133     } else { // sc dominated contact
134     k_sc++;
135     nextnb=j_res;
136     // System.out.print(" -> SC ");
137     } // end if bb dominated
138     } // end if we have non-zero entries
139     // System.out.print(" : "+nextnb);
140     nbs+= nextnb;
141     nums+=" "+j_num;
142     fullnbs+= j_res;
143     k++;
144 lappe 290
145 lappe 292 gapnbs+=gapsym+j_res;
146     gaphood+=gapsym+nextnb;
147     lastnum=j_num;
148     // System.out.print( nextnb);
149     }
150     rsst.close();
151     stmt.close();
152     if (!overx) {
153     nbs+="x"; // add if last in string == not seen yet
154     fullnbs+="x";
155     if (lastnum>0 && ((num-lastnum)==2)) xgapsym="_";
156     if (lastnum>0 && ((num-lastnum)>2)) xgapsym="%";
157     gapnbs+=xgapsym+"x";
158     gaphood+=xgapsym+"x";
159     }
161     } catch (SQLException e) {
162     e.printStackTrace();
163     System.err.println("SQLException: " + e.getMessage());
164     System.err.println("SQLState: " + e.getSQLState());
165     }
166     return nbs;
167     } // end of getnbhoodstring
169     public static String xlateSS( String sstype) { // xlate SecSTructure-Symbol
170     String SSymbol = "o";
171     sstype=sstype.toUpperCase();
172     if (sstype.equals("H")) SSymbol="z"; // Helix
173     if (sstype.equals("S")) SSymbol="b"; // beta strand
174     return SSymbol;
175     } // end xlateSS
177 lappe 295 } // end
179     /* table definition for the results
181     CREATE TABLE `nbstrings` (
182     `graph_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
183     `node_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
184     `cid` varchar(6) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL,
185     `num` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
186     `res` char(1) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL,
187     `sstype` char(1) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL,
188     `k` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
189     `k_BB` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
190     `k_SC` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
191     `n` varchar(30) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL,
192     `nwg` varchar(40) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL,
193     `f` varchar(30) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL,
194     `fwg` varchar(40) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL
195     ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_cs;
197     */