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 ../ 577 (16 years ago) by duarte: New package sequence. Initial commit of classes to run blast and parse its output. 577 (16 years ago) by duarte: New package sequence. Initial commit of classes to run blast and parse its output. 590 (16 years ago) by duarte: Added code to run psipred. Fixed a few minor bugs. 590 (16 years ago) by duarte: Added code to run psipred. Fixed a few minor bugs. 612 (16 years ago) by duarte: Now checking wheter read sequence contains spaces and throwing FastaFileFormatError 619 (16 years ago) by duarte: Added methods to be able to print "graphical" output for GTGHits, all equivalent to the methods in BlastHit Added compare() and writeIdsToFile() in TemplateList. 622 (16 years ago) by duarte: Added code to be able to filter out template ids (pdb codes) by maximum release date. Some improvements in Hit classes. 623 (16 years ago) by duarte: Fixed bug: now catching when the mapping of observed residue sequence serials to internal residue serials is out of range, which happens in some extremely rare cases (because GTG uses pre-remediation data) 625 (16 years ago) by duarte: Fixed bug: wasn't catching wrong format in GTG output 637 (16 years ago) by duarte: Now skipping lines with <PRE> tags. 651 (16 years ago) by duarte: New class PhiPsiAverager to get consensus of phi/psi angles from a TemplateList and an Alignment. Tested with a few examples and seems to work. The wrapping of angles at 180/-180 is not yet taking into account, i.e. if an interval falls in the region just below 180 and just above -180, no consensus will be found. Pdb: added some checks to methods getPhi/Psi so that it doesn't fail when there's no coordinates. Changed yet again the design of TemplateList/Template. Now loading of PDB data happens upon call of the loadPDBdata method. Changed dependencies accordingly. 651 (16 years ago) by duarte: New class PhiPsiAverager to get consensus of phi/psi angles from a TemplateList and an Alignment. Tested with a few examples and seems to work. The wrapping of angles at 180/-180 is not yet taking into account, i.e. if an interval falls in the region just below 180 and just above -180, no consensus will be found. Pdb: added some checks to methods getPhi/Psi so that it doesn't fail when there's no coordinates. Changed yet again the design of TemplateList/Template. Now loading of PDB data happens upon call of the loadPDBdata method. Changed dependencies accordingly.
(Current path doesn't exist after revision 950)
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