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Line File contents
1 import java.sql.*;
2 import*;
3 import tools.*;
5 /**
6 * Package: tools
7 * Class: testGraph2Pml
8 * Author: Ioannis Filippis,
9 * Date: 21/03/2006
10 *
11 * Simple test class for visualizing contact graphs using Graph2Pml class plus
12 * PyMol class. Run PyMol with the -R option to run the server.
13 *
14 * Notes:
15 * - You can find the results from all examples here in
16 * /project/StruPPi/ioannis/workspace/aglappe/vis_examples/
17 *
18 * Changelog:
19 * 28/03/06 modified by IF (more examples added)
20 * 27/03/06 modified by IF (functional with comments - added cgo examples)
21 * 21/03/06 first created by IF (non functional)
22 */
24 public class testGraph2Pml {
26 public static void main(String[] args) {
28 String connFile = "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/cnfs/", pdbFileName = "", molObjName = "";
29 Graph2Pml graphPml = null;
30 PyMol pml = null;
32 mySQLConnect SQLC = new mySQLConnect();
33 SQLC.readConnectionFile(connFile);
34 Connection conn = SQLC.openConnection();
36 //Create a new output stream to the pymol server running at the localhost
37 //all commands will be send there
38 PrintWriter serverOutPw = new PrintWriter(new PymolServerOutputStream("http://"+Machine.getClient()+":9123"), true);
39 pml = new PyMol(serverOutPw);
41 pml.openLog("test", "/home/filippis/Desktop");
43 //Edges as lines
44 //export the pdb file directly from msdsd and load it in pymol
45 pdbFileName = "1rx4_20717_52567";
46 try {
47 Msdsd2Pdb.export2File("1rx4", 20717, 52567, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp/"+pdbFileName, "filippis");
48 } catch (Exception e) {
49 e.printStackTrace();
50 }
51 molObjName = pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
52 System.out.println(molObjName);
54 //create a pymol contact graph object for the graph 33729
55 //use only SC_SC edges with SC_SC edge weight and nodes that have SC_SC edges
56 //no further filtering in the edges based on the contact range is applied
57 //no user based graph filtering is applied
58 //the graph comes from msdsd
59 //normal edges will be utilised
60 //the graph will not be visualised as "directed"
61 graphPml = new Graph2Pml(serverOutPw, molObjName, 33729, "SC_SC", "SC_SC_in+SC_SC_out", "SC_SC", "true", "true", true, false, false, conn);
62 //draw nodes, edges, special residues but not surface
63 //the node size will be calculated based on the SC_SC_out field on asc order
64 //the node color will be calculated based on the BB_BB_out field not discretised
65 //all ALA nodes will be transparent
66 //all residues that do not have any SC interactions will be the special ones colored green
67 //all edges will be lines of width determined by the SC_SC field in asc order
68 //all edges lines will have color calculated based on the BB_BB_out field not discretised
69 //all edges lines with adjacent ALA's will have gaps
70 graphPml.draw(true, true, true, false);
71 graphPml.setNodeSizeMethod("SC_SC_out", false);
72 graphPml.setNodeColorMethod("BB_BB_out", false);
73 graphPml.setNodeTranspCondition("(res = \"ALA\")");
74 graphPml.setSpecialRes("green", "SELECT cid, num FROM newmsdgraph.nodes WHERE (graph_id = 33729) AND (sc_sc_in+sc_sc_out = 0);");
75 graphPml.setEdgeSizeMethod("SC_SC", false);
76 graphPml.setEdgeColorMethod("BB_BB", false);
77 graphPml.setEdgeGapCondition("(i_res = \"ALA\" OR j_res = \"ALA\")");
78 //create the contact graph
79 graphPml.outputGraph();
80 //save the image not ray-traced
81 pml.saveImage("test1", "/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
82 //if you want later to read the view from a log file
83 //pml.openLog("test1_log","/home/filippis/Desktop");
84 //get the view
85 pml.getView("test1_view");
86 //pml.closeLog();
88 // delete all and reload the structure
89 pml.delete("all", false);
90 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
92 //to check reversibility in setNodeSizeMethod, setEdgeSizeMethod
93 //and discretised coloring in setNodeColorMethod, setEdgeColorMethod
94 graphPml.setNodeSizeMethod("SC_SC_out", true);
95 graphPml.setNodeColorMethod("BB_BB_out", true);
96 graphPml.setEdgeSizeMethod("SC_SC", true);
97 graphPml.setEdgeColorMethod("BB_BB", true);
98 graphPml.outputGraph();
99 //set view by reading a log file
100 //pml.getFileView("test2_view", "/home/filippis/Desktop/test1_log.pml");
101 //pml.setView("test2_view");
102 //set view based on the view of the first structure so that you can compare
103 //different graphs for the same structure
104 pml.setView("test1_view");
105 pml.saveImage("test2","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
107 // delete all and reload the structure
108 pml.delete("all", false);
109 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
111 //just check user defined set/discretised colors
112 //all green nodes must become red
113 graphPml.setNodeColors(new String[] {"red", "magenta", "orange", "chocolate"});
114 //switched red-green, yellow-blue
115 graphPml.setEdgeColors(new String[] {"red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "violet", "cyan", "salmon", "lime", "pink", "slate", "magenta", "orange", "marine", "olive", "purple", "teal", "forest", "firebrick", "chocolate", "wheat", "white", "grey"});
116 graphPml.outputGraph();
117 pml.setView("test1_view");
118 pml.saveImage("test2a","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
120 pml.delete("all", false);
121 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
123 //to check node method for edge coloring when nodeColor method not discretised
124 graphPml.setUniformNodeSize(0.6);
125 graphPml.setNodeColorMethod("BB_BB_out", false);
126 graphPml.setUniformEdgeSize(4);
127 graphPml.setEdgeColorMethod("node", true);
128 graphPml.outputGraph();
129 pml.setView("test1_view");
130 pml.saveImage("test3","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
132 pml.delete("all", false);
133 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
135 //to check node method for edge coloring when nodeColor method is discretised
136 graphPml.setUniformNodeSize(0.6);
137 graphPml.setNodeColorMethod("BB_BB_out", true);
138 graphPml.setUniformEdgeSize(4);
139 graphPml.setEdgeColorMethod("node", true);
140 graphPml.outputGraph();
141 pml.setView("test1_view");
142 pml.saveImage("test4","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
144 pml.delete("all", false);
145 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
147 //to check node method for edge coloring when nodeColor method is uniform
148 graphPml.setUniformNodeSize(0.6);
149 graphPml.setUniformNodeColor("blue");
150 graphPml.setUniformEdgeSize(4);
151 graphPml.setEdgeColorMethod("node", true);
152 graphPml.outputGraph();
153 pml.setView("test1_view");
154 pml.saveImage("test5","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
156 pml.delete("all", false);
157 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
159 //to check the trick of directionality with gapped lines for "half" edges
160 //for this purpose a SC_BB graph model is used that doesn't ensure bidirectionality
161 graphPml = new Graph2Pml(serverOutPw, molObjName, 33729, "SC_BB", "SC_BB_in+SC_BB_out", "SC_BB", "true", "true", true, false, true, conn);
162 graphPml.outputGraph();
163 pml.setView("test1_view");
164 pml.saveImage("test6","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
167 pml.delete("all", false);
169 //test multi-chain macromolecule with RNA also
170 pdbFileName = "1a0a_1107_2560";
171 try {
172 Msdsd2Pdb.export2File("1a0a", 1107, 2560, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp/"+pdbFileName, "filippis");
173 } catch (Exception e) {
174 e.printStackTrace();
175 }
176 molObjName = pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
177 System.out.println(molObjName);
179 graphPml = new Graph2Pml(serverOutPw, molObjName, 95, "SC_SC", "SC_SC_in+SC_SC_out", "SC_SC", "true", "true", true, false, false, conn);
180 graphPml.draw(true, true, false, false);
181 //color nodes based on the chains they belong to
182 graphPml.setChainNodeColor();
183 graphPml.setNodeTransp(0.2);
184 graphPml.setUniformEdgeColor("red");
185 graphPml.setUniformEdgeSize(4.5);
186 graphPml.setEdgeGap(0.5);
187 graphPml.outputGraph();
188 pml.saveImage("test7","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
189 pml.getView("test2_view");
191 pml.delete("all", false);
192 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
194 //color edges based on the chains they belong to
195 graphPml.draw(true, true, false, false);
196 graphPml.setUniformNodeColor("red");
197 graphPml.setChainEdgeColor();
198 graphPml.outputGraph();
199 pml.setView("test2_view");
200 pml.saveImage("test8","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
202 pml.delete("all", false);
203 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
205 //to check node method for edge coloring when nodeColor method is based on chain coloring
206 //also check the user defined chain colors for nodes
207 graphPml.setChainNodeColor(new String[] {"blue"});
208 graphPml.setEdgeColorMethod("node", true);
209 graphPml.outputGraph();
210 pml.setView("test2_view");
211 pml.saveImage("test9","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
213 pml.delete("all", false);
214 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
216 //draw also surface - you can not see the graph anymore
217 graphPml.draw(true, true, false, true);
218 graphPml.setSurfTransp(0.7);
219 graphPml.outputGraph();
220 pml.setView("test2_view");
221 pml.saveImage("test10","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
223 try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (Exception e) {}
225 //hide the surface, show the RNA also
226 //change the color of the nodes for each chain using the pymol defined list of nodes for each chain
227 pml.hideWhat("surface", "graphMol", false);
228 pml.showWhat("lines", "restMol", false);
229 graphPml.setNodesColorUniform("nodes_cidA","red");
230 graphPml.setNodesColorUniform("nodes_cidA","yellow");
232 try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (Exception e) {}
234 //if you believe that the objects contained in the list won't exceed the pymol command length limit,
235 //you can concatenate all objects as a single string selection and handle them all together
236 pml.concatList("nodes", "+", "nodesStr");
237 pml.setNodeColor("blue", "nodesStr", true);
238 pml.selPml("nodes", "nodesStr", true, true);
240 pml.delete("all", false);
241 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
243 //check a graph model with only inter-secondary-structure-elements SC_SC edges
244 //remember that all the nodes with SC_SC will be selected
245 //use default behaviour
246 graphPml = new Graph2Pml(serverOutPw, molObjName, 95, "SC_SC", "SC_SC_in+SC_SC_out", "SC_SC", "(!((i_ssid = j_ssid) AND (i_sstype = j_sstype)))", "true", true, false, false, conn);
247 graphPml.draw(true, true, false, false);
248 graphPml.outputGraph();
249 pml.setView("test2_view");
250 pml.saveImage("test11","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
252 pml.delete("all", false);
255 pdbFileName = "1kj0_21698_55132";
256 try {
257 Msdsd2Pdb.export2File("1kj0", 21698, 55132, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp/"+pdbFileName, "filippis");
258 } catch (Exception e) {
259 e.printStackTrace();
260 }
261 molObjName = pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
263 //Cgo makes sense to be used with directed graph
264 graphPml = new Graph2Pml(serverOutPw, molObjName, 35666, "SC_SC", "SC_SC_in+SC_SC_out", "SC_SC", "true", "true", true, true, true, conn);
265 graphPml.draw(true, true, false, false);
266 graphPml.outputGraph();
267 pml.saveImage("test12","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
268 pml.getView("test3_view");
270 // delete all edges
271 pml.iterateList("edges", "edge");
272 pml.delete("edge", true);
274 graphPml.draw(false, true, false, false);
275 graphPml.setUniformCgoEdgeSize(0.2);
276 graphPml.setEdgeColorMethod("node", true);
277 graphPml.outputGraph();
278 pml.setView("test3_view");
279 pml.saveImage("test13","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
281 // delete all edges
282 pml.iterateList("edges", "edge");
283 pml.delete("edge", true);
285 graphPml.setEdgeSizeMethod("SC_SC", false);
286 graphPml.setEdgeColorMethod("BB_BB", false);
287 graphPml.outputGraph();
288 pml.setView("test3_view");
289 pml.saveImage("test14","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
291 pml.iterateList("edges", "edge");
292 pml.delete("edge", true);
294 graphPml.setEdgeSizeMethod("SC_SC", true);
295 graphPml.setEdgeColorMethod("BB_BB", true);
296 graphPml.outputGraph();
297 pml.setView("test3_view");
298 pml.saveImage("test15","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
300 pml.delete("all", false);
301 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
303 //to check node method for edge coloring when nodeColor method not discretised
304 graphPml.draw(true, true, false, false);
305 graphPml.setUniformNodeSize(0.6);
306 graphPml.setNodeColorMethod("BB_BB_out", false);
307 graphPml.setUniformEdgeSize(0.4);
308 graphPml.setEdgeColorMethod("node", true);
309 graphPml.outputGraph();
310 pml.setView("test3_view");
311 pml.saveImage("test16","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
313 pml.delete("all", false);
314 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
316 //to check node method for edge coloring when nodeColor method not discretised
317 graphPml.setUniformNodeSize(0.6);
318 graphPml.setNodeColorMethod("BB_BB_out", true);
319 graphPml.setUniformEdgeSize(0.4);
320 graphPml.setEdgeColorMethod("node", true);
321 graphPml.outputGraph();
322 pml.setView("test3_view");
323 pml.saveImage("test17","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
325 pml.delete("all", false);
326 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
328 //see "real" half-edges
329 graphPml = new Graph2Pml(serverOutPw, molObjName, 35666, "SC_BB", "SC_BB_in+SC_BB_out", "SC_BB", "true", "true", true, true, true, conn);
330 graphPml.outputGraph();
331 pml.setView("test3_view");
332 pml.saveImage("test18","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
334 pml.delete("all", false);
336 //test multi-chain macromolecule with RNA also
337 pdbFileName = "1a0a_1107_2560.pdb";
338 molObjName = pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
339 System.out.println(molObjName);
341 graphPml = new Graph2Pml(serverOutPw, molObjName, 95, "SC_SC", "SC_SC_in+SC_SC_out", "SC_SC", "true", "true", true, true, true, conn);
342 graphPml.draw(true, true, false, false);
343 graphPml.setNodeColorMethod("SC_SC_out", false);
344 graphPml.setNodeTransp(0);
345 graphPml.setEdgeSizeMethod("SC_SC", false);
346 graphPml.setChainEdgeColor(new String[] {"yellow","red"});
347 graphPml.outputGraph();
348 pml.saveImage("test19","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
350 pml.delete("all", false);
352 pdbFileName = "1rx4_20717_52567.pdb";
353 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
355 graphPml = new Graph2Pml(serverOutPw, molObjName, 33729, "SC_SC", "SC_SC_in+SC_SC_out", "SC_SC", "true", "true", true, true, true, conn);
356 graphPml.draw(true, true, false, false);
357 graphPml.setNodeSizeMethod("SC_SC_out", false);
358 graphPml.setNodeColorMethod("SC_SC_out", false);
359 graphPml.setNodeTransp(0.6);
360 graphPml.setEdgeSizeMethod("SC_SC", false);
361 graphPml.setEdgeColorMethod("SC_SC", false);
362 graphPml.outputGraph();
363 pml.saveImage("test20","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
365 pml.delete("all", false);
366 pdbFileName = "1kj0_21698_55132.pdb";
367 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
369 //check the setNodeSizeRange method
370 graphPml = new Graph2Pml(serverOutPw, molObjName, 35666, "SC_SC", "SC_SC_in+SC_SC_out", "SC_SC", "true", "true", true, true, true, conn);
371 graphPml.draw(true, false, false, false);
372 graphPml.setChainColors(new String[] {"red"});
373 graphPml.setNodeSizeMethod("SC_SC_out", false);
374 graphPml.setNodeSizeRange(new double[] {0.6, 1.2});
375 graphPml.outputGraph();
376 pml.saveImage("test21","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
378 pml.delete("all", false);
379 pdbFileName = "1kj0_21698_55132.pdb";
380 pml.loadPDB(pdbFileName, "/project/StruPPi/ioannis/tmp");
382 //check the setDefaults method
383 graphPml.setDefaults(new String[] {"nodeSizeRange", "chainColors"});
384 graphPml.outputGraph();
385 pml.saveImage("test22","/home/filippis/Desktop", false);
387 pml.closeLog();
389 SQLC.closeConnection(conn);
391 }
393 } // end of class testGraph2Pml