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 ../ 323 (17 years ago) by duarte: Moved tinker stuff to its own package 335 (17 years ago) by duarte: Now ConstraintsMaker works also for multi atom contact types (BB and SC) and crosses (either BB/SC or any cross to a single atom contact type) New file aapairsBounds.dat with values for aminoacid side chains distance lower and upper bounds taken from statistics of a set of pdb representatives New in AAinfo: aapairs2bounds and changed getUpperBoundDistance, getUpperBoundDistance to accomodate aapairs2bounds PRMInfo: now for amber "OXT" gets transformed into "O" 346 (17 years ago) by duarte: Doing more input error checks In ConstraintsMaker createConstraints won't throw Exception anymore, we only assery that ALL can't be used 347 (17 years ago) by duarte: Writing report to file instead of standard output Catching unknown errors in runDistgeom (all other non-zero exit values)
(Current path doesn't exist after revision 950)
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