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 ../ 30 (18 years ago) by stehr: introduced generics, so class will compile in Java 5, not sure though whether the functionality is the same as before, will need more testing 56 (18 years ago) by filippis: execUpdateQuery method added and code in comments was removed 14 (18 years ago) by stehr: removed ununsed imports and variables 14 (18 years ago) by stehr: removed ununsed imports and variables 121 (17 years ago) by stehr: Updated TableSorter to compile in Java 1.5 and some trivial changes in comments 121 (17 years ago) by stehr: Updated TableSorter to compile in Java 1.5 and some trivial changes in comments 14 (18 years ago) by stehr: removed ununsed imports and variables 14 (18 years ago) by stehr: removed ununsed imports and variables 97 (18 years ago) by duarte: Added getters/setters to host,db,user and password in MySQLConnection Added another constructor to QueryThread to take just the MySQLConnection as argument 29 (18 years ago) by stehr: changed server port to standard 28 (18 years ago) by stehr: prevent overlong commands from being sent to the server 120 (17 years ago) by stehr: added overloaded method setDistance for use in CM2Pymol for chains without chain code 110 (18 years ago) by duarte: New class MySQLConnectionCheck, to check whether MySQL servers are alive, uses threads Changes in DataDistribution: - new field: String[] nodes, initialised in constructor - changed constructor to check for nodes that are alive, using new method nodesAlive - renamed getNodes to getMySQLNodes. New method getNodes just returns the new field String[] nodes DataDistributer: renamed calls to DataDistribution's getNodes to getMySQLNodes 121 (17 years ago) by stehr: Updated TableSorter to compile in Java 1.5 and some trivial changes in comments 27 (18 years ago) by stehr: initial import 27 (18 years ago) by stehr: initial import 117 (17 years ago) by dinse: Fixed space missing in one of the queries 45 (18 years ago) by filippis: Graph2Pymol class now functional testGraph2Pymol class now functional with comments also PyMol class:python strings methods and removeList, concatList, refresh methods added Machine class: indentation 49 (18 years ago) by filippis: More flexibility in coloring, popDefaults/setDefaults methods plus comments 113 (18 years ago) by duarte: Modified method getIdFromMaster to create keyTable if it didn't exist 110 (18 years ago) by duarte: New class MySQLConnectionCheck, to check whether MySQL servers are alive, uses threads Changes in DataDistribution: - new field: String[] nodes, initialised in constructor - changed constructor to check for nodes that are alive, using new method nodesAlive - renamed getNodes to getMySQLNodes. New method getNodes just returns the new field String[] nodes DataDistributer: renamed calls to DataDistribution's getNodes to getMySQLNodes 54 (18 years ago) by stehr: initial import 54 (18 years ago) by stehr: initial import 95 (18 years ago) by duarte: Adapted also ClusterConnection and checking methods in DataDistribution to text/numeric keys. Some methods in ClusterConnection have not changed at all even though they deal with keys. I haven't changed them because they are applicable only to numeric keys: insertIdxInMaster, getLastInsertId and getIdxSet
(Current path doesn't exist after revision 950)
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