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Committed: Wed Jan 2 13:18:57 2008 UTC (17 years, 1 month ago) by duarte
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Line File contents
1 import tools.MySQLConnection;
3 import java.sql.SQLException;
4 import java.sql.Statement;
5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
7 public class writeTargetMoves {
9 /**
10 * writes all the moves for a given residue for later scoring.
11 * @author lappe
12 */
13 static int maxRank = 21; // value to replace for non-existence of central redue in the resultvector (rank=0)
14 // higher values should penalize non-existence more
15 static int VL=1; // Verbosity Level
16 static String user = "lappe" ; // change user name!!
17 static MySQLConnection conn;
18 static String backgrndDB = "CASP_decoys";
19 static String targetNodes = "single_model_node";
20 static String targetEdges = "single_model_edge";
21 static String targetScore = "single_model_score";
22 static int cn1[], cn2[];
24 public static void main(String[] args) {
25 int graph_id=0, num=0, node_id=0;
26 String cid="", res="", sstype="";
27 String sql;
28 Statement mstmt;
29 ResultSet mrsst;
31 try {
32 conn = new MySQLConnection("white",user,"nieve", backgrndDB); // the UPPERCASE DB!
33 System.out.println("Writing Target neighborhoods v.0.2. (SC&BB)");
34 // retrieve node_id | cid | res | sstype defined by graph_id, num
35 // sql = "select node_id, cid, num, res, sstype from "+targetNodes+" where graph_id="+graph_id+" limit 3;";
36 sql = "select graph_id, node_id, cid, num, res, sstype from "+targetNodes+";"; // +" limit 1;";
37 mstmt = conn.createStatement();
38 mrsst = mstmt.executeQuery(sql);
39 while ( {
40 // this is the central node -> get type and secondary structure
41 graph_id = mrsst.getInt( 1);
42 node_id = mrsst.getInt( 2);
43 cid = mrsst.getString( 3);
44 num = mrsst.getInt( 4);
45 res = mrsst.getString( 5).toUpperCase();
46 sstype= mrsst.getString( 6).toUpperCase();
47 System.out.println("GraphID "+graph_id+" Chain "+cid+", Central residue ("+node_id+") "+res+":"+num+":"+sstype);
48 writeMoves( graph_id, node_id, cid, num, res, sstype);
49 } // end if central residue
50 mrsst.close();
51 mstmt.close();
52 } catch (SQLException e) {
53 e.printStackTrace();
54 System.err.println("SQLException: " + e.getMessage());
55 System.err.println("SQLState: " + e.getSQLState());
56 } // end try/catch
57 System.out.println("fin.");
58 } // end main
62 public static void writeMoves( int cgraph_id, int cnode_id, String ccid, int cnum, String cres, String csstype) {
63 int n1=0, n2=0, ni=0, nj=0, i=0, j=0, j_num=0, j_shell=0, j_cnsize=0, j_bb, j_sc;
64 int minus, mcn, plus, pcn;
65 String sql, j_res, j_sec, mres, mss, pres, pss, nn, nb, nextn, lastn="", iks;
66 boolean overx = false;
67 Statement stmt, mst;
68 ResultSet rsst;
70 try {
72 // retrieve the original nbhood into orig_shell
73 System.out.println("retrieving first shell ... ");
74 stmt = conn.createStatement();
75 stmt.executeUpdate("drop table if exists temp_shell;");
76 stmt.close();
78 stmt = conn.createStatement();
79 // stmt.executeUpdate("create table temp_shell as select i_num, i_res, j_num, j_res, j_sstype, 1 as shell from "+targetEdges+" where graph_id="+cgraph_id+" and i_num="+cnum+";");
80 stmt.executeUpdate("create table temp_shell as select i_num, i_res, j_num, j_res, j_sstype, 1 as shell, weight_bb as BB, weight_SC as SC " +
81 "from "+targetEdges+" where graph_id="+cgraph_id+" and i_cid='"+ccid+"' and i_num="+cnum+";");
82 stmt.close();
84 System.out.println("adding the 2nd shell ...");
85 sql = "select j_num from temp_shell where shell=1;";
86 stmt = conn.createStatement();
87 rsst = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
88 i=0;
89 while ( {
90 i++;
91 j_num = rsst.getInt(1);
92 System.out.println(i+":"+j_num);
93 mst = conn.createStatement();
94 sql = "insert into temp_shell select i_num, i_res, j_num, j_res, j_sstype, 2 as shell, weight_bb as BB, weight_SC as SC " +
95 "from "+targetEdges+" where graph_id="+cgraph_id+" and i_cid='"+ccid+"' and i_num="+j_num+";";
96 // System.out.println(">"+sql);
97 mst.executeUpdate( sql);
98 mst.close();
99 } // end while
100 rsst.close();
101 stmt.close();
103 System.out.println("retrieving the entire nbhood (1st and 2nd shell)");
104 sql = "select j_num, j_res, j_sstype, min(shell) as shell, count(*) as cn, max(BB) as BB, max(SC) as SC " +
105 "from temp_shell where j_num!="+cnum+" group by j_num order by j_num;";
106 stmt = conn.createStatement();
107 rsst = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
108 n1=0;
109 n2=0;
110 while ( {
111 if ( rsst.getInt( 4)==1) { // count 1st shell entry
112 n1++;
113 System.out.print("1#"+n1);
114 } // end if 2st shell
115 if ( rsst.getInt( 4)==2) { // count 2nd shell entry
116 n2++;
117 System.out.print("2#"+n2);
118 } // end if 2nd shell
119 System.out.println(" :\t"+rsst.getInt( 1)+"\t"+rsst.getString( 2)+"\t"+rsst.getString( 3)+"\t"+rsst.getInt( 4)+"\t"+rsst.getInt( 5)+"\t"+rsst.getInt( 6)+"\t"+rsst.getInt( 7));
120 } // end while
122 System.out.println("|1st shell|="+n1+" \tx\t |2nd shell|="+n2);
123 mst = conn.createStatement();
124 sql = "delete from target_short where graph_id="+cgraph_id+" and node_id="+cnode_id+" and cid='"+ccid+"' and num="+cnum+";";
125 System.out.println(">"+sql);
126 mst.executeUpdate( sql);
127 mst.close();
129 cn1 = new int[n1+1];
130 cn2 = new int[n2+1];
131 // minus | mres | mss | mcn | plus | pres | pss | pcn | nn
132 for (j=0; j<=n2; j++) { // outer loop through all indirect contacts
133 for (i=0; i<=n1; i++) { // inner loop through all direct contacts
134 overx = false;
135 if (VL>=1) {
136 System.out.print("("+i+","+j+")\t");
137 }
138 minus = 0;
139 mres = "";
140 mss = "";
141 mcn = n1;
142 plus = 0;
143 pres = "";
144 pss = "";
145 pcn = n1;
146 nn="%";
147 nb="%";
148 ni=0; nj=0;
149 lastn="??";
150 nextn="";
151 iks="";
152 rsst.beforeFirst();
154 while ( {
155 j_num = rsst.getInt(1);
156 j_res = rsst.getString(2);
157 j_sec = rsst.getString(3);
158 j_shell = rsst.getInt(4);
159 j_cnsize = rsst.getInt(5);
160 j_bb = rsst.getInt(6);
161 j_sc = rsst.getInt(7);
163 if (VL>=2) System.out.print("\n"+rsst.getInt( 1)+"\t"+rsst.getString( 2)+"\t"+rsst.getString( 3)+"\t"+rsst.getInt( 4)+"\t"+rsst.getInt( 5)+"\t"+rsst.getInt( 6)+"\t"+rsst.getInt( 7));
165 iks="";
166 if (j_num>cnum) { // we are over central residue
167 if (!overx) {
168 iks="x%";
169 nb+="x%";
170 overx=true;
171 } // end if over x
172 } // END IF J > X
174 if (j_shell==1) { // a direct 1st shell neighbour
175 ni++;
176 if (ni!=i) {// if this is NOT the one direct nb 2B dropped
177 if (j_sc>=j_bb) { // SC dominated
178 nextn=j_res.toUpperCase()+"%"; // it is included
179 nb+=j_res.toUpperCase()+"%";
180 } else { // BB dominated
181 nextn=xlateSS( j_sec)+"%"; // it is included
182 nb+=xlateSS( j_sec)+"%";
183 } // end if SC/BB domin.
184 } else { // this one IS dropped
185 minus = j_num;
186 mres = j_res;
187 mss = j_sec;
188 mcn = j_cnsize;
189 } // end if ni!=i
191 } else { // 2nd shell neighbour
192 nj++;
193 if (nj==j) { // this is the 2nd shell nb 2B included
194 if (j_sc>=j_bb) {
195 nextn=j_res.toUpperCase()+"%"; // SC dominated
196 nb += j_res.toUpperCase()+"%";
197 }
198 else {
199 nextn=xlateSS(j_sec)+"%";
200 nb+=xlateSS( j_sec)+"%";
201 }
202 plus = j_num;
203 pres = j_res;
204 pss = j_sec;
205 pcn = j_cnsize;
206 } // end if
208 } // end if 1st/2nd shell
209 nn+=iks;
210 if (!lastn.equals( nextn)) {
211 nn+=nextn;
212 }
213 lastn = nextn;
214 nextn="";
215 } // end while through the entire nbhood
216 if (!overx) { // in case x is the very last we haven't seen it yet
217 nn+="x%"; // add it in the end
218 nb+="x%";
219 overx=true;
220 } // end if over x
222 if (VL>=1) {
223 System.out.print("("+nn+")\t("+nb+")\t");
224 }
226 // Store the resulting moves (nn for +SC, nb for +BB contact)
227 // insert into target_short values ( 1, 2, 'C', 0, 'A', 'H', 1, 2, 112, 'V', 'H', 3, 123, 'P', 'O', 2, 'TESTIT', 283, 12, 0, 0.00);
228 // SC move into resulting table
229 mst = conn.createStatement();
230 sql = "insert into target_short values ( "+cgraph_id+", "+cnode_id+", '"+ccid+"', "+cnum+"," +
231 " '"+cres+"', '"+csstype+"', "+i+", "+j+", "+
232 minus+", '"+mres+"', '"+mss+"', "+mcn+", "+
233 plus +", '"+pres+"', '"+pss+"', "+pcn+", "+
234 "'"+nn+"', 0, 0, 0, 0.00);";
236 if (VL>=2) System.out.println(">"+sql);
237 mst.executeUpdate( sql);
238 mst.close();
240 } // close inner loop (i)
241 if (VL>=1) {
242 System.out.println(".");
243 } else {
244 System.out.print(".");
245 }
246 } // next outerloop (j)
248 rsst.close();
249 stmt.close();
251 } catch (SQLException e) {
252 e.printStackTrace();
253 System.err.println("SQLException: " + e.getMessage());
254 System.err.println("SQLState: " + e.getSQLState());
255 } // end try/catch
257 } // end writeMoves
259 public static String xlateSS( String sstype) { // xlate SecSTructure-Symbol
260 String SSymbol = "o";
261 sstype=sstype.toUpperCase();
262 if (sstype.equals("H")) SSymbol="z"; // Helix
263 if (sstype.equals("S")) SSymbol="b"; // beta strand
264 return SSymbol;
265 } // end xlateSS
267 } // end class
270 /*
271 drop table target_score;
272 CREATE TABLE `target_score` (
273 `graph_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
274 `node_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
275 `cid` varchar(6) COLLATE latin1_general_cs NOT NULL,
276 `num` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
277 `res` char(1) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL,
278 `sstype` char(1) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL,
279 `i` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
280 `j` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
281 `minus` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
282 `mres` char(1) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL,
283 `mss` char(1) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL,
284 `mcn` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
285 `plus` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
286 `pres` char(1) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL,
287 `pss` char(1) COLLATE latin1_general_cs DEFAULT NULL,
288 `pcn` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
289 `nn` varchar(50) COLLATE latin1_general_cs,
290 `total` int(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
291 `rank` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
292 `deltarank` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
293 `score` decimal(6,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00'
294 ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_cs;
297 */