TaqMan Output Example

This is how my TaqMan data comes out....
SDS 2.0 Results 1.0
Filename 5209Nest+20T.sds
Plate Type Raven AD
PCR Volume 50
Sample Info
Well Sample Name VIC Rn (VIC) FAM Rn (FAM) NTCm T1m T2m T1n T2n Call
1 A1 0.57895935 7.5292735 FAM
2 A2 0.6035197 8.0487585 FAM
3 A3 1.9686655 6.284122 Both
4 A4 2.2174044 4.211659 VIC
5 A5 1.58386 5.935019 Both
6 A6 0.54020244 8.099725 FAM
7 A7 0.52183014 8.736663 FAM
8 A8 1.89546 6.3454905 Both
9 A9 0.61463625 8.191666 FAM
10 A10 0.5705243 8.486189 FAM

The first 10 are important for keeping track of how the data came into being, but
the real meat of the data is in the following lines.  Since I don't routinely use
controls the way the machine uses them (I do everything by eye...), I remove
the columns marked NTCm, T1m, T2m, T1n, and T2n.  Then, I use the
Find/Replace function of Excel to replace the calls with the actual genotypes,
and put in the names of the individuals in the column marked Sample Name.
Alternatively, I have made a macro that will do this automatically.  It runs
off a workbook with data like the SNPs you use, their alleles, possible other
users, and the samples.  This is especially useful if you use the same plates
of samples repetitively.  The results look like this:
SDS 2.0 Results 1.0
Filename 5209Nest+20T.sds
User Dave
Date 13/03/02
Comment None
Plate type Raven AD
PCR Volume 10
Sample Information
Well SampleName VIC Rn (VIC) FAM Rn(FAM) Call
1 C03_01 0.57895935 7.5292735 T/T
2 C03_02 0.6035197 8.0487585 T/T
3 C03_03 1.9686655 6.284122 T/G
4 C03_04 2.2174044 4.211659 G/G
5 C03_05 1.58386 5.935019 T/G
6 C03_06 0.54020244 8.099725 T/T
7 C03_07 0.55011964 9.312747 T/T
8 C03_08 0.52183014 8.3736663 T/T
9 C03_09 1.89546 6.3454905 T/G
10 C03_10 0.64163625 8.191666 T/T

After this, I save the data, and import it into the spreadsheets where I store my
data using a macro called TaqManIn.
 This page was last updated on: August 23, 2002 by David G. Cox