
About  |  Batch analysis  |  Custom dose-response curve analysis 

>> Batch analysis (analyze PSI and dose-response (optional) for a list of targets):

Project name: 

Compound name: 

Sample names:  (seperated by spaces)

Doses (optional):   (seperated by spaces)


Input data (provide tab-delimited counts or PSI data. First row is header line. First column is target ID):



Advanced setting

About the data type I have above:

Counts for I-probe and S-probes; (click here to show an example)

PSI values; (click here to show an example)

Counts data for one probe on each row; (click here to show an example)

When calculating the Percent-Spliced-In (PSI) value:

When the total counts of I-probe and S-probe is less than  , do not calculate PSI value; 

Do Ei-adjustion (Ei-adjustion will try to balance hybridization efficiency difference for I- and S-probes);

Do NOT do Ei-adjustion;

I will provide my own Ei values below (this will over-write the Ei values estimated by the program):

  Click here to show example Ei values

Do dose-response analysis?

Do dose-response analysis (estimate effective dose ED50 value, etc. Make sure to provide the Doses above);

Do nothing;

Set rules in dose-response analysis:

When the following situation happens, there is no "dose-response". Set the ED50 value to  (nM);

  • When the fitting has a P-value greater than  (non-significant fitting)  
  • When the PSI change is less than  (%)
  • When the fold change of counts data is less than   fold

Calculate other values:

Calculate the compound dose which trigger the change of PSI value by %. (put numbers between 1 to 100 seperated by spaces)

Calculate the compound dose which trigger the change of counts by  fold. (put numbers >1 and seperated by spaces)