OSPRAI is Open-source SPR Analysis and Integration software. Its aim is to provide a set of command-line tools for processing high-throughput biosensor data. With OSPRAI, you can import and export common formats, annotate sensorgrams, and perform calibration, background subtraction, and curve-fitting.
OSPRAI is written in Python so as to run on all popular platforms, including Linux, Windows, and Macintosh. Install Python 2.4 (or newer) and the following libraries: python-tk, matplotlib, and scipy. Additionally, it is useful to install IPython, the interaction Python shell, as well as a good python-aware text editor, such as Editra, Scite, or gedit.
OSPRAI is hosted by Bioinformatics.org and managed using the Subversion version control system. It can be obtained from the website or by using a Subversion client such as Svn, RabbitVCS, or TortoiseSVN. Windows users can install all of the necessary prerequisites by installing PythonXY, while Ubuntu Linux users can find everything they need in the Ubuntu repositories. An example for Ubuntu users follows:
$ sudo aptitude install python-matplotlib python-scipy python-tk ipython editra
$ svn checkout svn://bioinformatics.org/svnroot/osprai