Topic: Problem editing Labstore tables
I have encountered a problem with editing/writing to the table in the Labstore program. I recently had a crash with my Mysql (5.6) running in my system with Fedora 21. After reinstalling MySQL, and putting the labstock databases and tables back in froma backup, I can access the information, but I cannot edit or change anything. When I try to insert new data, or edit an existing record, after saving I get the following message:
[08] Error: during MySQL query execution (called from file business_logic.php). The query statement was:
INSERT INTO `proteins` (`name`, `nature`, `source`, `made_in`, `reactivity`, `isotype`, `clonality`, `conjugate`, `lot_no`, `cat_no`, `acquired_on`, `expiry_date`, `amount`, `box`, `fridge`, `experiment`, `comment`, `added_by`, `added_on`, `modified_by`, `modified_on`, `ID_user`) VALUES ('Suero Fetal Bovino', 'Serum', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Pablo', '2015-01-27 12:20:27', '', '2015-01-27 12:20:27', 'superuser')
The MySQL server responded: Table 'proteins' is read only
I hesitate to go ahead and grant general write privileges to the tables.
I'd greatly appreciate your help in this matter
Best regards