[BiO BB] International Conference "Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics for Medicine"

Vladimir Poroikov vvp at ibmh.msk.su
Thu Jan 3 10:26:34 EST 2002

Dear Colleagues,

Best wishes for 2002!

I would like to inform you that the International Conference "Genomics,
Proteomics and Bioinformatics for Medicine" will be held in Moscow -
St.Petersburg, Russia, on 22-29 June 2002.

The Conference will take place aboard the comfortable ship going down
the channels and the greatest Russian Volga river from Moscow to St.
Petersburg. The participants will get a unique chance to enjoy the
picturesque nature landscapes and the historical monuments of Russia. 

The Conference is organized by: 

International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB)
The Human Proteome Organization (HUPO)
Russian Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology
Russian Ministry of Health
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Moscow Committee on Science and Technology
Institute of Biomedical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Institute of Physico-Chemical Medicine of Russian Ministry of Health

The scientific part of the conference will be composed of three major

1. Genomics
   1.1. Human genome
   1.2. Genomes of microorganisms and plants
   1.3. Genomics in medical researches

2. Proteomics.
   2.1. Human Proteome Index
   2.2. Proteomics of microorganisms and plants
   2.3. Proteome diagnostics of widespread human diseases 

3. Bioinformatics.
   3.1. Analysis of genomes: what can be derived from the genetic texts
   3.2. Structural genomics: high throughoutput 3D - modelling
   3.3. Computer-aided drug discovery
In the framework of the Conference two Symposia will be held
concerning applications of genomics, bioinformatics and proteomics for
the analysis of:

   4.1. Immunoglobulines
   4.2. Cytochromes P450

More information is available on the Conference web-site:

Your colleagues and you are welcome to take part in the Conference.

Kind regards,

Vladimir Poroikov, Prof.Dr.
Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee

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