[BiO BB] request for suggestion

Rajat Kumar De rajat at isical.ac.in
Wed Dec 17 07:52:46 EST 2003

Dear Colleague,

I am looking for some papers on the mathematical modeling of following
controlling factors of gene expression. It would be a great help to me,
if somebody can provide me some papers/links or some suggestions, on the
mathematical models of these factors in controlling gene expression.

The controlling factors are:
1. Chromatin Structure
2. Transcriptional Initiation
3. Transcript Processing and Modification
4. RNA Transport
5. Transcript Stability
6. Translational Initiation
7. Post-Translational Modification
8. Protein Transport
9. Control of Protein Stability

Please also let me know, if there are other controlling factors of gene



* Rajat K. De, Ph.D.           | Telephone                       *
* Assistant Professor          |    Office    : 91-33-25753105   *
* Machine Intelligence Unit    |    Residence : 91-33-25796860   *
* Indian Statistical Institute |    Mobile    : 91-9830013571    *
* 203 B.T. Road                | Fax          : 91-33-25783357   *
* Kolkata 700108               |                91-33-25773035   *
* INDIA.                       | Email      : rajat at isical.ac.in *

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