[BiO BB] The latest release of the NeuroScholar System (1.4b11)

Gully Burns gully at usc.edu
Wed Dec 7 21:25:00 EST 2005

+     ANNOUNCEMENT     +

The latest NeuroScholar system is now released and available for download
from http://chasseur.usc.edu/website/neuroscholar_demo.html.

Please feel free to give us any comment or participate in the software

The NeuroScholar system is a knowledge management system for the
neuroscientific literature, allowing users to build an organized library of
PDF files and then make and manage free-form notes based on the articles.
This simple functionality is the first phase of the creation of a system 
that enables bench-neuroscientists to construct knowledge bases of what they
know. This is an attempt to introduce an informatics framework into the lab
to facilitate to an increased level of formalism to the subject. 

- The user manual for the NeuroScholar system is included in this
distribution. The document is located at the 'docs' directory under your
NeuroScholar installation directory.

- The Linux version of the NeuroScholar is now available. Both the RPM and
binary distributions are provided for download.

- The right click feature in the Fragmenter for Mac PowerBooks (Panther OS)
is now functioning. To perform the mouse right-click, just simply click the
mouse and press 'Ctrl' or 'Alt' key.

- Some out-of-memory problems have been repaired. The default heap size is
now set to 512MB.

- Some bugs involving the process of creating or deleting a knowledge base
have been repaired.

- The view form panel has been improved by highlighting those fields that
are part of the index string so that the user can know what are required in
the process of data entry using the standard form.

- The printing function in the Fragmenter has been repaired. The document
will be scaled to fit the printing output if the width is larger than the
printable area.

- We now use the PubMed ELink utility in the ArticleRobot to speed up
retrieval of full-text files.

- Previously, the History function was not working when the recorded view
instance has a source view instance connected.  The definition of the source
view instance needs to be removed before being serialized. This has now been

- The problem of the drag-and-drop function in the local tree panel has been
fixed.  Now, the drag-and-drop feature is only enabled in the 'DISPLAY'

- The data uploading process in the NeuARt standalone application is
improved. Multiple data maps or brain volumes can be created and uploaded
into the database. The description of the data map or brain volume is
editable so that the user can annotate them.

- The knowledge capture feature in the Fragmenter is repaired. The user
would be able to capture the data using the questionnaire for the tract
tracing experiment or physiology experiment.

- Video Documentation: http://chasseur.usc.edu/website/video.html
- Discussion group: https://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=99564
- But report:  https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=99564&atid=624587
- Mailing list:

Thank you for your attention.

The NeuroScholar Team 

Univeristy of Southern California

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