[BiO BB] Call for Participation: BioImage Informatics 2006, Santa Barbara, Sept 7-8, 2006

Vebjorn Ljosa ljosa at cs.ucsb.edu
Tue Aug 8 11:45:35 EDT 2006


2006 Workshop on Multiscale Biological Imaging, Data Mining & Informatics
Santa Barbara, CA, USA, September 7-8, 2006


Important dates:
 - August 13: Deadline for reserving discounted hotel rooms
 - August 20: Early registration deadline
 - September 7-8: Workshop

This workshop aims at bringing together interdisciplinary researchers
to identify problems and present answers to multiscale bioimage data
mining and informatics using cutting edge imaging technology
(including fluorescence imaging, electron microscopy imaging, etc.)
and quantitative analysis methods (including image data analysis,
computer vision, data mining, machine learning, as well as other
informatics methods).

Registration: http://www.bioimageinformatics.org/2006/registration.html
(Students, postdocs, and faculty qualify for discounted rates.)

Lodging: http://www.bioimageinformatics.org/2006/lodging.html

Transportation: http://www.bioimageinformatics.org/2006/transportation.html


* Paul Matsudaira (MIT)
  "High Content and Quantitative Cell Imaging"


* Fanqing Chen (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
  "Using Quantum Dots for Biological Applications"

* Jim Duncan (Yale University, School of Medicine)
  "Segmentation and Quantification of Microtubules from TIRF

* Thomas Goddard (University of California, San Francisco)
  "Interactive Analysis of Density Maps using UCSF Chimera"

* Ilya Goldberg (National Institute on Aging)
  "The OME Image Analysis System in the Real World: From Single-Image
  Hacking to Managed Distributed Work-flows"

* Pengyu Hong (Brandeis University)
  "Interactive Analysis of High-Content Cellular Images via Relevant

* Bryan Jones (University of Utah)

* Fuhui Long (Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute) 
  "Building A Digital Cell Atlas for C. elegans Larvae"

* Maryann E. Martone (University of California, San Diego)
  "From Molecules to Brains: Multiscale Imaging of the Nervous System"

* Jeffrey Price (Burnham Institute for Medical Research and Vala Sciences Inc.)

* Michael F. Schmid (Baylor College of Medicine)
  "Aligning and Averaging Single Particles from a Tomogram"

* Oliver Staadt (University of California, Davis)
  "Interactive Visualization for Biological Imaging"

* Yuli Wang (University of Massachusetts Medical School)
  "Computer as A Microscopist � Applications of Informatic Tools to
  Fluorescence Cell Imaging"


* "Model Based Dynamics Analysis in Microtubule Videos"
  by Alphan Altinok and Stuart Feinstein

* "Calculating Derivative Displacement Fields from Confocal
  Fluorescence Microscopy Data"
  by Tigran Bacarian, Marcus Heisler, Eva-Maria Schoetz, and Eric Mjolsness

* "Analysis of Confocal Microscope Images from Retina Detachment
  Experiments Using Texture Bases Features"
  by Zhiqiang Bi

* "Utility of Multispectral Imaging for Analysis of Routine Clinical
  Histopathology Imagery"
  by Laura Boucheron, Neal Harvey, and B.S. Manjunath

* "Automatic Extraction of 3D Nuclear Bounding Surfaces from CLSM
  Imagery of Developing Arabidopsis Flowers
  by Michael Burl, Adrienne Roeder, Carolyn Ohno, Eric Mjolsness, and
  Elliot Meyerowitz

* "Quantifying Structural Distortions in Retinal Tissue Before and
  After Injury"
  by Jiyun Byun, Mark Verardo, Nhat Vu, Dmitry Fedorov, Geoffrey
  Lewis, Steven Fisher, and B.S. Manjunath

* "Graph Theoretic Analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging"
  by Guillermo Cecchi

* "A Multiscale Image Representation Using Multiresolution Triangulations"
  by Alexandre Cunha, Ivo Dinov, and Arthur Toga 

* "Imaging Dopamine D3 Receptors (D3R) in Non-human Primate Brain
  Using [C-11]PHNO and PET"
  by Dah-Ren Hwang, Raj Narendran, Mark Slifstein, Yuying Hwang, and
  Marc Laruelle

* "Per-Cell Classification for Exploring High-Throughput, High-Content
  Image-Based Screens"
  by Thouis Jones, Anne Carpenter, David Sabatini, and Polina Golland

* "Probabilistic Segmentation of Horizontal Cells"
  by Vebjorn Ljosa and Ambuj K. Singh

* "Biological Image Classification with Random Subwindows and
  by Raphael Maree, Pierre Geurts, and Louis Wehenkel

* "BioSig: An Imaging Bioinformatics for Mapping Multidimensional
  by Bahram Parvin

* "High Performance Computing Environment for 4D Image Analysis"
  by Ravi Rao

* "Molecular Informatics and the Role of Pattern Analysis"
  by Rahul Singh

* "Automatic Recognition and Annotation of Gene Expression Patterns of
  Fly Embryos"
  by Jie Zhou, and Hanchuan Peng


We hope to see you in Santa Barbara in September!

Manfred Auer - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (PC Co-chair)
Hanchuan Peng - Howard Hughes Medical Institute (PC Co-chair)
Ambuj Singh - University of California, Santa Barbara (PC Co-chair)

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