[BiO BB] Yet another Web 3D alignment viewer

Dr. Christoph Gille christoph.gille at charite.de
Tue Sep 5 09:40:39 EDT 2006


I have made a  free Java Webstart  3D alignment viewer and would
like to ask you for your opinion and suggestions.

It has already been tested  on Linux, Windows XP (german),
Windows 2000 (german), Windows 98 (german) and Macintosh OS-X 10.4.7.
It still needs to be tested on English MS-Windows, Intel Macintosh, Solaris
and Irix.

When the application is loaded by clicking the jnlp file
the specified protein files are loaded and stored on HD.

The browser should invoke  .../bin/javaws on the jnlp file.

Computation is performed locally on the user computer.

Here are a few examples

This is a pure sequence alignment

This is a  multiple 3D alignment

This is mixed 3D and sequence alignment

This exmple demonstrates  the alternative syntax for PDB chain identifiers.

The following links load a pdb file with a given pdb Id and
search for structurally similar proteins.

This is a simple case of an  X-ray structure with only one chain.

This is an MNR structure. Only model 1 is loaded to save time.

This structure has 28 PDB chains.
There are 14 different sequences.
Results are shown in a tabbed pane with 14 tabs.

There is also a README telling the syntax how the Web link is formed.
It is quite simple.

Is it working smoothly on your computers ?

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