[BiO BB] Phylip distance matrix symmetry error

Pedro Fernandes pfern at igc.gulbenkian.pt
Sat Jun 16 10:53:29 EDT 2007

Hi Samantha

I may be missing the ccontext... but:

1) There may be a precision problem, any real number in a computer is rich in
decimal places that are not always seen, what is displayed is less precise, so:
subtract the numbers!

2) Some (!) Phylip rograms are known to be sensitive to invisible stuff on input
(insvisible being spaces, tabs, etc. So you may be evaluating somenthing that is
read with a wrong format.

3) Check carefully the origin and contents of all your files. Use Notepad++ for

Good luck

Pedro Fernandes
Centro Português de Bioinformática
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
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Quoting Samantha Fox <bioinfosm at gmail.com>:

> ERROR: distance matrix is not symmetric:
>        (42,1) element and (1,42) element are unequal.
>        They are   1.544868 and   1.544868, respectively.
>        Is it a distance matrix?
> That looks symmetric to me !!
> Any clues anyone ??
> ~S
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