[BiO BB] African Virtual Conference on Bioinformatics (Afbix '09)

J.W. Bizzaro jeff at bioinformatics.org
Sun Feb 8 21:32:58 EST 2009


           African Virtual Conference on Bioinformatics (Afbix '09)

                              February 19-20, 2009

                          Online at Bioinformatics.Org


Graduate students and researchers in computational biology, molecular biology and medicine.  The conference theme is "Tropical Bioinformatics."  While most of the presenters are either in Africa or studying African species, attendance is open to everyone.

In addition to research on tropical diseases, pathogenesis and their vectors, the field of bioinformatics has become an important part of life science studies in Africa.  But, with the great geographical expanse of the continent, it is often impractical or uneconomical for African researchers to come together for conferences.  That is, in person.  The Bioinformatics Organization (Bioinformatics.Org) has therefore collaborated with Regional Student Groups (RSGs) in Africa to develop a bioinformatics conference that utilizes local institutions in Africa as "virtual hubs."

Participating African RSGs and the hub institutions:

- RSG East Africa (ILRI) 
- RSG East Africa (ICIPE) 
- RSG South Africa (SANBI) 
- RSG Morocco (SMBI) 
- RSG West Africa (Covenant University, Ota) 

Other hub institutions:

- Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA

Individual registrations cost only $10-30, depending on location.  Please see the conference description page (URL below).

For more information about attending this conference via one of the aforementioned hubs, please contact afbixx at gmail.com.

Please visit the conference description page: http://wiki.bioinformatics.org/Afbix09

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