[BiO BB] Global food security?

Dan Bolser dan.bolser at gmail.com
Wed May 19 19:06:33 EDT 2010

Dear colleagues,

If you are interested in global food security, consider attending the
SOL 2010 conference here in sunny Dundee!

7th Solanaceae conference
Dundee, Scotland, 5-9 September 2010

The remarkable solanaceae family includes not only tomato, pepper and
eggplant, but also potato, the worlds third most important food crop!
The soon to be released potato and tomato genome sequences look set to
revolutionize breeding programs in these species, leading to 'the next
generation' of food crop.

* http://www.potatogenome.net
* http://www.solgenomics.net

Please feel free to extend this invitation to any of your colleagues
who you feel may be interested.

Yours Faithfully,
Dan Bolser.

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