[Biophp-dev] Re: Working (at least on my system) example tutorial for frontend_blast.php

Serge Gregorio biophp-dev@bioinformatics.org
Tue, 02 Dec 2003 14:11:14 +0800

It's always difficult to troubleshoot something you can't (directly) see... (sigh)  But well, keep it up!


DATE: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 10:37:43 
From: S Clark <mail-lists+biophpdev@dogphilosophy.net>
To: "mr.aniba" <mr.aniba@laposte.net>, biophp-dev@bioinformatics.org

>Hash: SHA1
>I am running out of things that I can try from my end.  I am not quite
>clear on what the problem might be at this point.  On your windows
>computer, are you saying that when you run BLAST via the frontend
>that you get no response at all, or only that the output
>file says "no hits found"?
>If I can get some time to take a break from work today, I can try
>adding one or two additional checks in the example script to 
>watch the output file and results in more detail, but I'm not
>certain if it will help.
>It MIGHT also be possible that there is another quirk in Internet
>Explorer (I am guessing you're using that browser instead of Netscape, 
>Mozilla, Opera, or any of the other more modern ones?) - I noticed that
>the output from BLAST is a COMPLETE HTML record (complete with <html></html>
>and <head></head> tags), so the quick-and-dirty way that the example script
>just 'inserts' that into the middle of the results page may not display
>correctly in some browsers.  This may be the problem if it turns
>out that the BLAST output data file actually has text in it (even
>if it is just the 'no hits found' page) but it isn't showing up
>in your browser.  In that case, it may be possible to wedge in a 
>block of javascript that opens a new window and writes the output results
>to it rather than trying to insert it into the middle of the main page.)

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