[Genquire-users] Using these mailing lists as a CVS report?

Mark Wilkinson mwilkinson@gene.pbi.nrc.ca
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 13:57:29 -0600

Hi again,

I find myself using these mailing lists (dev and user) as a report of bug
fixes.  I am wondering if anyone objects to that?  BioPerl has an automated
report of any code changes, which I quite like because I then know if I
should update my local copy... ours is not automated, but we are quite good
at using these lists to report code updates and changes.

I think this is good, but others may be annoyed at the amount of traffic on
this list.  On the other hand, until we arrive at a final stable release
(only a couple of days away, I promise!), these changes are important to
both developers and users.  Once the final release is out there I would
assume that we can drop most of the traffic on the -users list and restrict
the code change discussions to only the -dev list, since the developers
will presumably be the only ones using the cutting-edge code.

What do you all think about that?

Anyway, one more update to report.  Matt Links uncovered a bug that may
have existed in ShowSequenceContext for a loooong time.  It manifests
itself when changing feature boundaries of features on the '-' strand.
Although the display of the nucleotide sequence of the modified feature is
correct, the translation is not, and the underlying database feature itself
is not.  I fixed that bug just before lunch and have committed the fix.
cvs update to get it.


"Speed is subsittute fo accurancy."

Dr. Mark Wilkinson
Bioinformatics Group
National Research Council of Canada
Plant Biotechnology Institute
110 Gymnasium Place
Saskatoon, SK