[ghemical-devel] roadmap for v1.00 and new features

Tommi Hassinen thassine@messi.uku.fi
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 10:41:32 +0200 (WET)

On Thu, 28 Mar 2002, Radek Liboska PhD. wrote:

> >Yep, certainly! I actually meant that we could write the outputs in some
> >log files instead.
>  ... and run "tail -f $GHEMICAL_LOGDIR/ghemical.log" in extra xterm window?
> I agree that some kind of input line widget is optimal for inputs, but
> the output is IMHO underestimated. I must run extra MOPAC parallel to
> the Ghemical to get data from its text files output, because Ghemical itself
> shows only a small subset of the calculated results. I don't know how much
> of the data obtained from MPQC is shown by Ghemical, but I think the situation
> is the same as with MOPAC.
> Some text file browser widget for displaying MOPAC and MPQC outputs would be nice.

Yes, that's also true. The best case would be if we could write the
logfile and someway copy the lines written there immediately to the output
text window. If that turns out to be too difficult then the above trick
of (optionally?) using a terminal window could work as well.

I haven't studied this much yet but I guess that we need to use a function

	append_line_to_text_widget(widget *, const char *)

to add lines to the output widget. The above is not a real GTK function
but there probably is something equivalent. Is there any way we could
"steal" the lines written to the logfile?
