[ghemical-devel] final(?!) changes to v1.0: a fileformat arrangement

Geoff Hutchison hutchisn@chem.northwestern.edu
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 15:18:08 -0600 (CST)

> Simply said, I renamed the ".mm1gp" format in v1.0 to ".gpr" format, as it
> is called in v1.50; in v1.50 only a single file format is needed, and I
> thought it's good to syncronize them now, the sooner the better, and not
> in 2003/2004. So now for MM/QM, there is only a single file format,
> ".gpr", which is 100% compatible with the old ".mm1gp" format.
> OK, now (if no problems appear) I think the v1.0 should be pretty much
> ready for release. I'll make the release once the User's Manual is ready

Actually, that's going to take some changes in Open Babel for consistency.
One benefit is that .mm1gp files will be handled smoothly (by Open Babel)
and the .gpr files will be the default.

I'll go fix that now.


-Geoff Hutchison                <hutchisn@chem.northwestern.edu>
Marks/Ratner Groups             (847) 491-3295
Northwestern Chemistry          <http://www.chem.northwestern.edu>