[ghemical-devel] problem when exporting a molecule from GChemPaint to Ghemical-1.90

Michael Banck mbanck at gmx.net
Fri Jul 8 06:10:00 EDT 2005

On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 09:27:33AM +0300, Tommi Hassinen wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Jean Bréfort wrote:
> > I found why it does not work. It's a command line options problem.
> > Ghemical-1.0x used to support this:
> > ghemical -f filename
> > But this is no longer supported in 1.90 and this is how I did things in
> > GChemPaint. Is it possible to have this restored in 1.9x-2.0x?
> Ooops, certainly ; this is just lost in changes. I'll put it back there.

Is the -f option really needed?  Unix tradition mostly considers any
non-option arguments as file names, so maybe this could be used here as

Just a thought.


Michael Banck
Debian Developer
mbanck at debian.org

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