[ghemical-devel] ghemical-1.90 compilation problems

Tommi Hassinen thassine at messi.uku.fi
Fri Sep 2 00:47:38 EDT 2005

On Wed, 31 Aug 2005, Pietro Amodeo wrote:

> Hello,
> I tried to compile ghemical-1.90 on a workstation running Fedora Core 3
> (gcc 3.4.3), after having successfully compiled mopac7 and
> libghemical-1.90 (openbabel-1.100.2 was already installed and I've not
> enabled MPQC)
> I tried both disabling and enabling threads, obtaining the same (long)
> error message in both cases (that is also the same or very similar to that
> reported in a July-2005 post):
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> /usr/local/src/ghemical-1.90/src/objects.h:92: error: `obj_loc_data*
> dummy_object::GetLocDataRW() const' is protected
> /usr/local/src/ghemical-1.90/src/objects.h:179: error: within this context


this is the relevant part of the error message. As usual, you can find it
by searching the first occurrence of a word "error".

This particular message says that the C++ data hiding definitions conflict
at src/objects.h file around line 179. As the compilers develop futher,
this kind of stuff seems to happen ; sorry for the inconvenience...

So please edit the src/objects.h file from around line 179 from this:

class object_location

	friend obj_loc_data * dummy_object::GetLocDataRW(void) const;

to this:

class object_location

	friend obj_loc_data * dummy_object::GetLocDataRW(void) const;

This will loosen the definitions and the program should compile. If you
get stuck in an identical error message elsewhere, the fix is similar ;
just replace "private" or "protected" with "public".



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