[ghemical-devel] Autoconf Error

Tommi Hassinen thassine at messi.uku.fi
Wed Mar 8 04:53:53 EST 2006

On Tue, 7 Mar 2006, Donald Ephraim Curtis wrote:

> When i run autoconf it searches all these directories for Makefile.in
> and they don't exists, in fact, there is no Makefile.* in any of the
> examples directories.  So whenever i update CVS i have to go in and
> remove those lines, configure.ac rarely changes but it's still odd.

But there should be Makefile.am files, right? Automake will read them and 
write out the corresponding Makefile.in files.

I agree that there are some annoying effects that CVS makes into this 
configuration system. If the files do not change by content they will 
often change by timestamps that confuses the configuration system as 
effectively. I have solved these issues by routinely doing


after any CVS operation. Today I removed the aclocal.m4 files from CVS, 
and I hope that makes things easier (less configuration files touched by 



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