[Pipet Users] Khoros and Cantata

Karl-Max Wagner karlmax at oberland.net
Sun Feb 11 15:30:36 EST 2001

> > 1. Design very high level representations of distributed
> > systems.
> Can you rephrase this? I dont get what you're trying to point out here.

That means that you can design even on a higher abstraction
level because the AIL does some detail work for you.

> > 2. We can control the actions of the AIL.
> Need manual overruling. 

That's exactly what is meant by the above.

        "It was hell. They knew it.          Karl-Max Wagner
          But they called it                 karlmax at oberland.net
            W-I-N-D-O-Z-E"                   ham radio: DB8CO
            *********Member of No Code International*********
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   / /  (_)__  __ ____  __
  / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  . . . t h e   c h o i c e   o f   a
 /____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\             G N U   g e n e r a t i o n . .

"Et ceterum censeo ut Microsoftem delendum esse" (Cato, adapted)
"Quo usque tandem abutere nostra patientia ?" (Cicero, original)

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