[Pipet Users] Re: [Fwd: Trouble installing piper]

Brad Chapman chapmanb at arches.uga.edu
Tue Jun 5 13:19:23 EDT 2001

> Hmm, ok.. I downloaded of piper off the internet (I think version 0.0.1), 
> and I think I've managed to install all the necessary libraries.  I then did 
> the "configure", then I was able to do the "make" with no problem.  When I 
> try doing a "make install" this is the error message I get.
> gmake[3]: *** No rule to make target `POA_piper/__init__.py', needed by 
> `install-piperPYTHON'.  Stop.

The problem here is that 0.0.1 is really old. There was a change in
the standard python mapping, so that the POA directories generated by
the omniidl IDL compiler changed from 'POA_blah' to 'blah__POA'. This
means that the autoconf installer is looking for created directories
by the wrong name.

Thing are correct in CVS, so the best bet is to upgrade to something more
recent. If 0.0.1 is really that old (I can't remember when it was put 
together, too much drinking I guess :-), than there have been a lot of 
changes and it would be worthwhile to upgrade, anyways.

Hope this helps,

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