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dataset [2016/04/13 18:02] (current)
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 +==== EVS Data Derived Haplotype Pool ====
 +This tutorial explains how the EVS dataset for SEQPower was generated from resource on the Exome Variant Server.
 +<code bash>
 +wget http://​​evs_bulk_data/​ESP6500SI-V2.snps_indels.vcf.tar.gz
 +<hidden initialState="​visible"​ -noprint>​
 +<code text evs.fmt>
 +# Copyright (C) 2011 Bo Peng (
 +# Distributed under GPL. see <​http://​​licenses/>​
 +# Please refer to http://​​Format/​New for
 +# a description of the format of this file.
 +[format description]
 +description=Import vcf
 +# variants with identical chr,pos,ref will be collapsed.
 +format_string_comment=FORMAT string that is outputted in the 9th column of
 +    exported vcf file. Please specified an appropriate value corresponding to the
 +    parameter --geno_info because this column cannot be automatically determined.
 +geno_info_comment=Genotype information fields. No genotype field is imported by
 +    default. You may edit it into, for example, "​geno_info=GD,​GQ,​PL",​ if the .vcf
 +    format field looks like "​GT:​GD:​GQ:​PL"​. Please check the FORMAT string of your .vcf
 +    file to determine available fields to be imported.
 +geno_comment=Field to extract genotype from .vcf file. You can set it to
 +    safe_GT if genotype is not the first field in the genotype columns of your .vcf file.
 +var_info_comment=Variant information fields to be imported. Please check the
 +    INFO column of your vcf file for available fields.
 +phase_sep_comment=Seperator used to output genotype, / for unphased and | for
 +    phased. This parameter is needed because '​vtools import'​ does not save phase
 +    information for each genotype.
 +wildtype_code_comment=How wildtype homozygotes are imported. These genotypes are
 +    by default imported as GT=0. They will be discarded if you set this parameter
 +    to None.
 +id_comment=The field to output to the third (ID) column of the vcf file. You
 +    can use a id field (if you imported or updated it from a vcf file), another ID field
 +    (e.g. rsname) if available, or ''​ to output all missing values.
 +pos_comment=Field for position. To export indel, set it to '​pos-length(upstream)'​
 +ref_comment=Field for reference allele
 +alt_comment=Field for alternative allele
 +qual_comment=Field for quality score
 +filter_comment=Field for filter status
 +info_comment=Field for info status
 +[field formatter]
 +# NOTE: if multiple records are collapsed, they are passed as tuples.
 +# If no formatter is defined, the first value will be used in output.
 +fmt_DP=IfMulti(Formatter('​DP={[0]}'​),​ Formatter('​DP={}'​))
 +# if there are multiple alternative alleles, join them by ','​
 +# not sure if we need to keep both JoinRecords and JoinFields
 +# remove fields with empty chromosome
 +comment=reference allele
 +comment=alternative alleles
 +adj=ValueOfNull('​.'​),​ JoinFields(';'​)
 +comment=variant info
 +comment=genotype format
 +comment=1-based position
 +comment=1-based position
 +comment=variant id (rs number or other IDs)
 +comment=Reference allele, '​-'​ for insertion.
 +comment=Alternative allele, '​-'​ for deletion.
 +comment=Reference allele, without remove common leading and ending nucleotide.
 +comment=Alternative allele, without remove common leading and ending nucleotide.
 +comment=Common leading alleles of ref and alt alleles stored in .vcf
 +    file. This field is only available for indels.
 +comment=Common ending alleles of ref and alt alleles stored in .vcf
 +    file, common leading is extracted before common ending. This field
 +    is only available for indels.
 +comment=phred-scaled quality score for the assertion made in ALT. High QUAL scores indicate high confidence calls.
 +comment=PASS if this position has passed all filters, i.e. a call is made at this position. Otherwise, if the site has not passed all filters, a semicolon-separated list of codes for filters that fail.
 +comment=Gentoype coded as 0 (ref ref), 1 (ref alt), 2 (alt alt) or -1 (alt1, alt2), assuming GT is the first FORMAT field in the .vcf file. Missing genotype will be dropped.
 +# This vcf genotype extractor uses format string and genotype to
 +# extract genotype. Although the format string should not be needed
 +# because the genotype field should be the first one, one of my dataset
 +# does not following this rule. The performance penalty is significant
 +# 4.36 -> 3.03 for 50k records.
 +index=9, 10:
 +comment=Gentoype coded as 0 (ref ref), 1 (ref alt), 2 (alt alt) or -1 (alt1, alt2). This field checks the FORMAT string and extract genotype accordingly. Missing genotype will be dropped.
 +comment=Raw INFO column in the vcf file. This may be further splitted into various specified info fields, such as DP, etc.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​DBSNP=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=dbSNP version which established the rs_id
 +adj=ExtractValue('​EA_AC=',​ ';'​),​ ExtractField(1,​ ','​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The observed ref allele counts for the European American population. Allele counts only include genotypes with quality >= 30 and read depth >= 10.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​EA_AC=',​ ';'​),​ ExtractField(2,​ ','​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The observed ref allele counts for the European American population. Allele counts only include genotypes with quality >= 30 and read depth >= 10.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​AA_AC=',​ ';'​),​ ExtractField(1,​ ','​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The observed alt allele counts for the African American population. Allele counts only include genotypes with quality >= 30 and read depth >= 10.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​AA_AC=',​ ';'​),​ ExtractField(2,​ ','​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The observed ref allele counts for the African American population. Allele counts only include genotypes with quality >= 30 and read depth >= 10.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​TAC=',​ ';'​),​ ExtractField(1,​ ','​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The observed alt allele counts for all populations. Allele counts only include genotypes with quality >= 30 and read depth >= 10.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​TAC=',​ ';'​),​ ExtractField(2,​ ','​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The observed ref allele counts for all populations. Allele counts only include genotypes with quality >= 30 and read depth >= 10.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​MAF=',​ ';'​),​ ExtractField(1,​ ','​),​ lambda x: float(x)/​100.0,​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The European American minor-allele frequency in percent.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​MAF=',​ ';'​),​ ExtractField(2,​ ','​),​ lambda x: float(x)/​100.0,​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The African American minor-allele frequency in percent.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​MAF=',​ ';'​),​ ExtractField(3,​ ','​),​ lambda x: float(x)/​100.0,​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The minor-allele frequency in percent for all populations.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​DP=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The average sample read depth.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​GL=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​none'​)
 +comment=One or more genes for which the SNP is in the coding region (CCDS).
 +adj=ExtractValue('​GM=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​none'​)
 +comment=NCBI mRNA transcripts accession number.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​FG=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The GVS functions are calculated by the Exome Variant Server; they are based on the alleles for all populations and individuals;​ the bases in the coding region are divided into codons (if a multiple of 3), and the resulting amino acids are examined.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​AAC=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​none'​),​ Nullify('​none,​ none'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The corresponding amino acid change for a SNP.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​PP=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​NA,​NA'​),​ Nullify('​NA'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The coresponding amino acid postion in a protein relative to the whole protein length.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​CDP=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​NA,​NA'​),​ Nullify('​NA'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The coresponding cDNA postion for a SNP.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​CP=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​NA'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=A number between 0 and 1 that describes the degree of sequence conservation among 17 vertebrate species; these numbers are downloaded from the UCSC Genome site and are defined as the "​posterior probability that the corresponding alignment column was generated by the conserved state of the phylo-HMM, given the model parameters and the multiple alignment"​ (see UCSC description).
 +adj=ExtractValue('​CG=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​NA'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The rejected-substitution score from the program GERP, a number between -11.6 and 5.82 that describes the degree of sequence conservation among 34 mammalian species, with 5.82 being the most conserved; these scores were provided by Gregory M. Cooper of the University of Washington Department of Genome Sciences to the EVS project.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​GS=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​NA,​NA'​),​ Nullify('​NA'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=Grantham Scores categorize codon replacements into classes of increasing chemical dissimilarity based on the publication by Granthan 1974, Amino acid difference formula to help explain protein evolution. Science 1974 185:​862-864.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​PH=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=Prediction of possible impact of an amino acid substitution on protein structure and function based on Polymorphism Phenotyping (PolyPhen) program.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​AA=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=Chimp alleles are acquired from UCSC human/chimp alignment files. If the variation does not fall within an alignment block, or if it is an indel, the chimp allele is listed as "​unknown"​. If the variation falls within a gap in the alignment, it is listed as "​-"​.
 +adj=ExtractValue('​CA=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=The potential clinical implications associated with a SNP (limited).
 +adj=ExtractValue('​EXOME_CHIP=',​ ';'​),​ Nullify('​.'​)
 +comment=Whether a SNP is on the Illumina HumanExome Chip
 +# Passing '​GT:​DP\t0/​0:​64'​
 +index=9, 10:
 +adj=FieldFromFormat('​DP',​ ':'​)
 +comment=DP fields in INFO. Depth for each sample in a vcf file.
 +<code bash>
 +vtools init evs
 +vtools import ESP6500SI-V2.snps_indels.vcf.tar.gz ​ --format evs.fmt ​ -j8 --build hg19
 +<hidden initialState="​visible"​ -noprint>​
 +  INFO: Importing variants from ESP6500SI-V2.snps_indels.vcf.tar.gz (1/1)
 +  ESP6500SI-V2.snps_indels.vcf.tar.gz:​ 100% [===================] 1,467,290 13.1K/s in 00:01:51
 +  INFO: 1,998,173 new variants (1,872,893 SNVs, 40,527 insertions, 84,784 deletions, 773 invalid) from 1,987,119 lines are imported.
 +<code bash>
 +vtools show fields
 +vtools output variant Genes EuropeanAmericanMaf chr pos FunctionGvs | gzip > EVSEA.gz
 +vtools output variant Genes AfricanAmericanMaf chr pos FunctionGvs | gzip > EVSAA.gz
 +vtools output variant Genes EuropeanAmericanRefCount EuropeanAmericanAltCount | gzip > EVSEACounts.gz
 +vtools output variant Genes AfricanAmericanRefCount AfricanAmericanAltCount | gzip > EVSAACounts.gz