Customizing and Starting Metannogen
Metannogen requires Java:
The standard Java (Sun/Oracle),
JRocket (Oracle), Java by IBM, Openjdk and the Macintosh Java are sufficient.
Web start
If the web browser is correctly configured, Metannogen can
be Web-started by clicking the file metannogen.php
You may need to tell the web browser that files with
the ending jnlp need to be processed with the application
.../bin/javaws which is part of the Java system.
The settings are usually
imported from the default Web-browser. If this fails, metannogen will not be able to load data from the network.
For debugging, the Web
proxy setting can be checked in Metannogen.
For using Metannogen for a certain project,
program parameters need to be adjusted.
The members of the team may start metannogen by clicking a customized Web link such that
Metannogen is properly configured for the specific project.
Metannogen is controled by program parameters.
If Metannogen is web-started by clicking the web link
program parameters can be passed as web variables (POST or GET).
This PHP script dynamically genereates a jnlp file for the program ../bin/javaws.
The HTML code of the web form may look like:
<form action="" method="POST" >
<input type="hidden" name="port" value="10117" >
<input type="hidden" name="edtftp" value="t" >
<input type="hidden" name="networks" value="KEGG RECON1 EHM" >
... more program options ...
<input type="SUBMIT" name="SUBMIT" value="Run metannogen" >
Javaws might be blocked. It might help to clear the Javaws cache, type in a terminal
javaws -uninstall
If Metannogen is still not started please visit
Is not starting.
Old versions Go to
Previous version /
Previous version >2010
to start an old version of metannogen.
Shell script
Alternatively the Java file
can be downloaded and started from the command line. This method is also more robust than Web-start.
The minimal program line is
java -Xmx400M -jar metannogen.jar
Within an intranet the web proxy is specified by options
of the java command. For example from the intranet of the medical school Charite in Berlin the following settings would be required
for Metannogen to access the internet:
java -Dhttp.proxyPort=888 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="|" ...
For specific projects it is recommended to start Metannogen
from a shell script. This shell script may be distributed to
all team members such that Metannogen will be configured
properly on all clients.
On Linux, Mac,
Solaris or Windows+Cygwin such shell script may look like:
curl -O $JAR -z metannogen.jar || wget -N $JAR
java $myWebProxy -Xmx400M -jar metannogen.jar \
-port=10117 \
-networks KEGG RECON1 EHMN \
-dictionaryOfSpecies myData/myFile.txt
The trailing back-slash characters allow continuation of a command in the next line.
This back-slashes are the last character in the line.
No white space must follow the trailing back-slashes.
Probably scripting will not work for MS-Windows because the
length of the line exceeds the maximum. But it will work under
Cygwin which can easily installed under Windows.
Batch mode
With certain program parameters Metannogen runs non-interactively in batch mode to create an SBML file
from a dataset file.
java $myWebProxy -Xmx400M -jar metannogen.jar \
-datasets $HOME/test/myDatasetFile.dataset \
-toSBML myOutputFile.sbml
Deinstallation of Metannogen
Metannogen does not alter system files nor changes the registry of MS-Windows.
All files are stored in $HOME/.StrapAlign.
Because MS-Windows may exhibit problems with the dot is omitted.
If the home directory path contains illegal characters (white
space) which is often the case on old Windows computers, a
directory is created rather in the root of the file system.