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Revision: 24
Committed: Tue Jul 26 21:46:39 2011 UTC (13 years, 2 months ago) by gpertea
File size: 2587 byte(s)
Log Message:
Line File contents
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 use strict;
3 use Getopt::Std;
4 use FindBin;use lib $FindBin::Bin;
6 my $usage = q/Usage:
7 [<shellcmds_file>] -f <datafile> [-t <delim>]
9 <shellcmds_file> is a file containing an shell command(s) to be executed
10 for each line in the <datafile>; if missing, the command is
11 taken interactively from the standard input (use Ctrl+D to
12 end the text input). Columns taken from <datafile> should
13 be specified by placeholders :0 , :1 , .. :9
14 global authentication file, see note below)
15 -f <datafile> should contain lines with space delimited fields;
16 each field will replace the corresponding placeholders
17 specified in the shellcmds_file (:0, :1 .. :9)
18 /;
19 umask 0002;
20 my $qfile;
21 $qfile=shift if (substr($ARGV[0],0,1) ne '-');
23 getopts('t:f:h') || die($usage."\n");
24 #my $outfile=$Getopt::Std::opt_o;
25 if ($Getopt::Std::opt_h) { print $usage; exit;}
27 die($usage."Error: shell command file not found!\n")
28 unless (!$qfile || -e $qfile);
30 my $datafile=$Getopt::Std::opt_f;
31 die($usage."Error: data file $datafile not found.") unless (-e $datafile);
33 my $delim=$Getopt::Std::opt_t;
34 my $query='';
35 if ($qfile) { #qfile given
36 local $/=undef;#one sip
37 open(INFILE, '<'.$qfile);
38 $query=<INFILE>;
39 close(INFILE);
40 }
41 else {
42 print STDERR ">Enter shell command(s) to be executed for each line of\n".
43 " $datafile (use :1 .. :9 column placeholders; press Ctrl+D to end):\n";
44 local $/="\n";
45 $query.=$_ while (<STDIN>);
46 }
47 die("No placeholders found in the given commands. Aborting..\n")
48 unless ($query =~ m/\:\d+/);
50 $query=~s/\\[\n\r]+/ /sg;
51 $query=~s/[\n\r]+/\x01/sg;
52 my @cmds=split(/\x01/, $query);
53 open(XLSTFILE, $datafile) || die ("Error opening data file $datafile !\n");
54 while (<XLSTFILE>) {
55 chomp;
56 #s/'/''/g;
57 next unless $_;
58 my @pdata;
59 if ($delim) {
60 @pdata=split(/$delim/);
61 }
62 else {
63 @pdata=split(/\s+/);
64 }
65 #print STDERR ">dataline: $pdata[0] $pdata[1]\n";
66 foreach my $c (@cmds) {
67 next if $c=~/^\s*$/s;
68 my $cmd=$c; # copy value
69 $cmd=~s/\:(\d+)\b/$pdata[$1]/sg;
70 #the parameters are numbered from 0, not from 1 !
71 #so the first field from the file will be :0
72 # execute
73 #print STDERR " .. exec: $cmd\n";
74 my $xcode=system($cmd);
75 #sleep(1);
76 print STDERR "Warning: error detected ($?) for command $cmd!\n" if $xcode;
77 }
78 } #for each param line
79 close(XLSTFILE);
81 #================ SUBROUTINES ============


Name Value
svn:executable *