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Line File contents
1 import tools.MySQLConnection;
3 import java.sql.SQLException;
4 import java.sql.Statement;
5 import java.sql.ResultSet;
7 public class iterateNbs {
9 /**
10 *
11 * exchange of one neighbor at a time by a common neighbor
12 * @author lappe
13 */
15 static String user = "lappe" ; // change user name!!
16 static MySQLConnection conn;
17 static double lastEntropy=0.0, lastFreq, lastAUC, lastavgk, lastdevk;
18 static double orgEntropy=0.0, orgFreq, orgAUC, orgavgk, orgdevk;
19 static int lastRank, lastTotal;
20 static int orgRank, orgTotal;
22 public static void main(String[] args) {
24 if (args.length<2){
25 System.err.println("The graph_id and residue-nr. needs to be given .... i.e. 9 28");
26 System.exit(1);
27 }
28 int graphid = Integer.parseInt( args[0]);
29 int resnr = Integer.parseInt( args[1]);
30 int n1=0, n2=0, ni=0, nj=0, j_num=0, j_shell, j_cnsize, i, j;
31 conn = new MySQLConnection("white",user,"nieve","pdb_reps_graph_4_2_a");
32 String sql, j_res, j_sec, restype="?", ressec="?", nbs_lo, nbs_up;
33 Statement stmt, jst;
34 ResultSet rsst, jrs;
36 try {
37 System.out.println("getting direct neighborhood ... ");
38 stmt = conn.createStatement();
39 stmt.executeUpdate("drop table if exists temp_shell;");
40 stmt.close();
42 stmt = conn.createStatement();
43 stmt.executeUpdate("create table temp_shell as select i_num, i_res, j_num, j_res, j_sstype, 1 as shell from single_model_edge where graph_id="+graphid+" and i_num="+resnr+";");
44 stmt.close();
46 System.out.println("building the 2nd shell");
47 sql = "select j_num, j_res, j_sstype from temp_shell where shell=1;";
48 stmt = conn.createStatement();
49 rsst = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
50 while ( {
51 n1++;
52 j_num = rsst.getInt(1);
53 System.out.println(n1+":"+j_num);
54 jst = conn.createStatement();
55 sql = "insert into temp_shell select i_num, i_res, j_num, j_res, j_sstype, 2 as shell from single_model_edge where graph_id="+graphid+" and i_num="+j_num+";";
56 // System.out.println(">"+sql);
57 jst.executeUpdate( sql);
58 jst.close();
59 } // end while
60 rsst.close();
61 stmt.close();
63 System.out.println("retrieving the entire 1st and 2nd shell");
64 sql = "select j_num, j_res, j_sstype, min(shell) as shell, count(*) as cn from temp_shell group by j_num;";
65 stmt = conn.createStatement();
66 rsst = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
67 // counting shell2
68 n2=0;
69 while ( {
70 if ( rsst.getInt( 4)==2) { // count 2nd shell entry
71 n2++;
72 if ( rsst.getInt( 1)==resnr) { // this is the central node -> get type and secondary structure
73 restype = rsst.getString( 2).toUpperCase();
74 ressec = rsst.getString( 3).toUpperCase();
75 } // end if central residue
76 } // end if 2nds shell
77 System.out.println(n2+":"+rsst.getInt( 1)+"\t"+rsst.getString( 2)+"\t"+rsst.getString( 3)+"\t"+rsst.getInt( 4)+"\t"+rsst.getInt( 5));
78 } // end while
79 System.out.println("SIZE 1st shell "+n1);
80 System.out.println("SIZE 2nd shell "+n2);
81 System.out.println("GraphID "+graphid+" Central residue is "+restype+":"+resnr+":"+ressec);
83 for (i=0; i<=n1; i++) { // 1st loop through all direct contacts
84 // System.out.print(i+" - ");
85 for (j=0; j<=n2; j++) { // 2nd loop through all indirect contacts
86 System.out.print("("+i+","+j+")");
87 ni = 0;
88 nj = 0;
89 nbs_lo="%";
90 nbs_up="%";
91 rsst.beforeFirst();
92 while ( {
93 j_num = rsst.getInt( 1);
94 j_res = rsst.getString(2);
95 j_sec = rsst.getString(3);
96 j_shell = rsst.getInt( 4);
97 j_cnsize = rsst.getInt( 5);
99 if (j_shell==1) { // a direct 1st shell neighbour
100 ni++;
101 if (ni!=i) {// if this is NOT the one direct nb 2B dropped
102 nbs_lo+=j_res+"%";
103 nbs_up+=j_res+"%";
104 } else { // this one IS dropped
105 System.out.print("(-"+j_res+":"+j_num+":"+j_sec+"/"+j_cnsize+")");
106 } // end if ni!=i
107 } else { // 2nd shell neighbour
108 nj++;
109 if (j_num==resnr) { // the central residue is part if the 2nd shell
110 if (nj!=j) { // drop x if marked for inclusion
111 nbs_lo +="x%";
112 nbs_up +="x%";
113 } else {
114 System.out.print(" no x ...");
115 }
116 } else { // this is not x
117 if (nj==j) { // this is the 2nd shell nb 2B included
118 nbs_lo+=j_res.toLowerCase()+"%";
119 nbs_up+=j_res.toUpperCase()+"%";
120 System.out.print("(+"+j_res+":"+j_num+":"+j_sec+"/"+j_cnsize+")");
121 } // end if
122 } // end if this is central residue x
123 } // end if 1st/2nd shell
124 } // end while through the entire nbhood
126 getEntropy( nbs_lo, restype);
127 if (i==0 && j==0) { // original nbhoodstring without any insertions/deletions
128 orgEntropy = lastEntropy;
129 orgFreq = lastFreq;
130 orgAUC = lastAUC;
131 orgavgk = lastavgk;
132 orgdevk = lastdevk;
133 orgRank = lastRank;
134 orgTotal= lastTotal;
135 } // end if 0/0 for defining org*
136 System.out.println(" t="+orgTotal+" \tentropy = "+String.format("%.5f", orgEntropy)+" \trank#"+String.format("%2d",orgRank)+" \tp("+restype+") = "+String.format("%.5f",orgFreq)+" \t\tAUC = "+String.format("%.5f",orgAUC)+" \t\tavg(k)="+String.format("%.2f",orgavgk)+"\tstddev="+String.format("%.2f",orgdevk));
137 System.out.print("\tlo "+nbs_lo);
138 printValues();
139 System.out.print("\tup "+nbs_up);
140 getEntropy(nbs_up, restype);
141 printValues();
143 // System.out.println(".");
144 } // close for loop 2 (j)
145 } // next loop 1 (i)
146 rsst.close();
147 stmt.close();
149 } catch (SQLException e) {
150 e.printStackTrace();
151 System.err.println("SQLException: " + e.getMessage());
152 System.err.println("SQLState: " + e.getSQLState());
153 } // end try/catch
154 System.out.println("fin.");
155 } // end main
157 public static void printValues() {
158 System.out.print( "\t"+lastTotal+"("+(lastTotal-orgTotal)+")");
159 System.out.print( "\t"+String.format("%.5f", lastEntropy) +" ("+String.format("%.5f", lastEntropy-orgEntropy)+")");
160 System.out.print( "\t#"+String.format("%2d",lastRank) +" ("+String.format("%2d",(lastRank-orgRank))+")");
161 System.out.print( "\t"+String.format("%.5f", lastFreq) +" ("+String.format("%.5f", (lastFreq-orgFreq))+")");
162 System.out.print( "\t"+String.format("%.5f", lastAUC) +" ("+String.format("%.5f", (lastAUC-orgAUC))+")");
163 System.out.print( "\t"+String.format("%.2f", lastavgk) +" ("+String.format("%.2f", (lastavgk-orgavgk))+")");
164 System.out.print( "\t"+String.format("%.2f", lastdevk) +" ("+String.format("%.2f", (lastdevk-orgdevk))+")");
165 System.out.println("");
166 }
168 public static void getEntropy( String nbs, String centRes) {
169 String sql, res;
170 Statement stmt;
171 ResultSet rsst;
172 double p, psum=0.0, logp, plogp, plogpsum=0.0;
173 int num;
174 try {
175 sql = "select count(*) from single_model_node where n like '"+nbs+"';";
176 // System.out.println( sql);
177 stmt = conn.createStatement();
178 rsst = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
179 if ( lastTotal = rsst.getInt( 1);
180 rsst.close();
181 stmt.close();
183 sql = "select res, count(*) as t, count(*)/"+lastTotal+" as p, avg( k), stddev( k) from single_model_node where n like '"+nbs+"' group by res order by p DESC;";
184 stmt = conn.createStatement();
185 rsst = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
186 // System.out.println("rank : res : total t : fraction p : log2(p) : -p*log2(p)");
187 int rank = 0;
188 boolean seenCentRes = false;
189 lastAUC = 0.0;
190 lastRank = 0;
191 lastFreq = 0.0;
192 lastavgk = 0.0;
193 lastdevk = 0.0;
194 while ( {
195 rank ++;
196 res = rsst.getString(1); // 1st column -- res
197 num = rsst.getInt(2); // 2nd column -- num
198 p = rsst.getDouble(3); // 3rd: fraction p
199 // System.out.print(rank+ " : " + res+" : "+num+ " : " + p);
200 logp = Math.log(p)/Math.log(2.0); // to basis 2 for info in bits
201 // System.out.print(" : " + logp);
202 plogp = -1.0 * p * logp;
203 // System.out.print(" : " + plogp);
204 plogpsum += plogp;
205 psum += p;
207 if (res.equals(centRes)) {
208 // System.out.print(" <==" + centRes);
209 seenCentRes = true;
210 lastFreq = p;
211 lastRank = rank;
212 lastavgk = rsst.getDouble(4);
213 lastdevk = rsst.getDouble(5);
214 }
215 if (seenCentRes) lastAUC += p;
216 // System.out.println("");
217 }
218 // System.out.println("Sum :"+lastTotal+" : "+psum+" : "+plogpsum);
219 rsst.close();
220 stmt.close();
221 lastEntropy = plogpsum;
223 } catch (SQLException e) {
224 e.printStackTrace();
225 System.err.println("SQLException: " + e.getMessage());
226 System.err.println("SQLState: " + e.getSQLState());
227 }
229 } // end of getEntropy
231 } // end class