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Revision: 255
Committed: Thu Aug 9 13:45:10 2007 UTC (17 years, 2 months ago) by stehr
File size: 10852 byte(s)
Log Message:
PdbfilePdb now also accepts Casp prediction files ('PFRMAT TS' instead of 'HEADER')
Line User Rev File contents
1 duarte 207 package proteinstructure;
3     import;
4     import;
5     import;
6     import;
7     import;
8     import java.util.ArrayList;
9     import java.util.Collections;
10     import java.util.HashMap;
11 duarte 222 import java.util.TreeMap;
12 duarte 207 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
13     import java.util.regex.Pattern;
15 duarte 226 import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
17 duarte 207 public class PdbfilePdb extends Pdb {
19 duarte 208 private static final String UNKNOWN_STRING ="Unknown";
20     private static final String NULL_chainCode = "A";
22 duarte 207 private String pdbfile;
24     /**
25     * Constructs Pdb object reading from pdb file given pdb chain code. Model will be DEFAULT_MODEL
26     * @param pdbfile
27     * @param pdbChainCode
28     * @throws FileNotFoundException
29     * @throws IOException
30 duarte 208 * @throws PdbfileFormatError
31 stehr 215 * @throws PdbChainCodeNotFoundError
32 duarte 207 */
33 stehr 215 public PdbfilePdb (String pdbfile, String pdbChainCode) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, PdbfileFormatError, PdbChainCodeNotFoundError {
34 duarte 207 this(pdbfile,pdbChainCode,DEFAULT_MODEL);
35     }
37     /**
38     * Constructs Pdb object reading from pdb file given pdb chain code and model serial
39     * @param pdbfile
40     * @param pdbChainCode
41     * @param model_serial
42     * @throws FileNotFoundException
43     * @throws IOException
44 duarte 208 * @throws PdbfileFormatError
45 stehr 215 * @throws PdbChainCodeNotFoundError
46 duarte 207 */
47 stehr 215 public PdbfilePdb (String pdbfile, String pdbChainCode, int model_serial) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, PdbfileFormatError, PdbChainCodeNotFoundError {
48 duarte 207 this.pdbfile = pdbfile;
49     this.model=model_serial;
50 duarte 208 this.pdbCode=UNKNOWN_STRING; // we initialise to unknown in case we don't find it in pdb file
51 stehr 217 this.pdbChainCode=pdbChainCode.toUpperCase(); // our convention: chain codes are upper case
52 duarte 208 // we set chainCode to pdbChainCode except for case NULL where we use "A"
53     this.chainCode=pdbChainCode;
54     if (pdbChainCode.equals("NULL")) this.chainCode=NULL_chainCode;
56     this.sequence=""; // we initialise it to empty string, then is set inread_pdb_data_from_file
58 duarte 222 // we initialise the resser2secstruct and secstruct2resinterval Maps to empty, if no sec structure info is found then it remains empty
59 duarte 219 this.resser2secstruct = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
60 duarte 222 this.secstruct2resinterval = new TreeMap<String, Interval>();
61 duarte 219
62 duarte 207 read_pdb_data_from_file();
63 duarte 208
64     // when reading from pdb file we have no information of residue numbers or author's (original) pdb residue number, so we fill the mapping with the residue numbers we know
65     //TODO eventually we could assign our own internal residue numbers when reading from pdb and thus this map would be used
66     this.resser2pdbresser = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
67     this.pdbresser2resser = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
68     for (int resser:resser2restype.keySet()){
69     resser2pdbresser.put(resser, String.valueOf(resser));
70     pdbresser2resser.put(String.valueOf(resser), resser);
71     }
72 duarte 219
73 duarte 237 // initialising atomser2atom from resser_atom2atomserial
74     atomser2atom = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
75     for (String resser_atom:resser_atom2atomserial.keySet()){
76     int atomserial = resser_atom2atomserial.get(resser_atom);
77     String atom = resser_atom.split("_")[1];
78     atomser2atom.put(atomserial,atom);
79     }
80 duarte 207 }
84     /**
85 duarte 219 * To read the pdb data (atom coordinates, residue serials, atom serials) from file.
86     * chainCode gets set to same as pdbChainCode, except if input chain code NULL then chainCode will be 'A'
87 duarte 207 * pdbCode gets set to the one parsed in HEADER or to 'Unknown' if not found
88     * sequence gets set to the sequence read from ATOM lines (i.e. observed resdiues only)
89 duarte 219 * No insertion codes are parsed or taken into account at the moment. Thus files with
90     * insertion codes will be incorrectly read
91 duarte 207 * @param pdbfile
92     * @throws FileNotFoundException
93     * @throws IOException
94 duarte 208 * @throws PdbfileFormatError
95 stehr 215 * @throws PdbChainCodeNotFoundError
96 duarte 207 */
97 stehr 215 private void read_pdb_data_from_file() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, PdbfileFormatError, PdbChainCodeNotFoundError {
98 duarte 207 resser_atom2atomserial = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
99     resser2restype = new HashMap<Integer,String>();
100 duarte 226 atomser2coord = new HashMap<Integer,Point3d>();
101 duarte 207 atomser2resser = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
102 stehr 255 Pattern p;
103     Matcher m;
104 duarte 207 boolean empty = true; // controls whether we don't find any atom line for given pdbChainCode and model
105 duarte 208 // we set chainCodeStr (for regex) to pdbChainCode except for case NULL where we use " " (NULL is a blank chain code in pdb files)
106     String chainCodeStr=pdbChainCode;
107     if (pdbChainCode.equals("NULL")) chainCodeStr=" ";
109 duarte 207 int thismodel=DEFAULT_MODEL; // we initialise to DEFAULT_MODEL, in case file doesn't have MODEL lines
110     BufferedReader fpdb = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(pdbfile)));
111 duarte 208 int linecount=0;
112 duarte 207 String line;
113 stehr 255 // read first line
114     if((line = fpdb.readLine()) != null ) {
115     linecount = 1;
116 duarte 219 // HEADER
117 stehr 255 p = Pattern.compile("^HEADER");
118     m = p.matcher(line);
119 duarte 207 if (m.find()){
120     Pattern ph = Pattern.compile("^HEADER.{56}(\\d\\w{3})");
121     Matcher mh = ph.matcher(line);
122     if (mh.find()) {
124     }
125 stehr 255 } else { // header not found
126     // check whether this is a Casp prediction file
127     p = Pattern.compile("^PFRMAT TS");
128     m = p.matcher(line);
129     if(m.find()) {
130     // ok, it is
131     pdbCode = "CASP";
132     } else {
133     // a HEADER is the minimum we ask at the moment for a pdb file to have, if we don't find it in line 1 we throw an exception
134     throw new PdbfileFormatError("The pdb file "+pdbfile+" doesn't seem to have the right format");
135     }
136 duarte 207 }
137 stehr 255 } else {
138     throw new PdbfileFormatError("The file "+pdbfile+" is empty.");
139     }
140     // read further lines
141     while ((line = fpdb.readLine() ) != null ) {
142     linecount++;
143 duarte 219 // SECONDARY STRUCTURE
144     // helix
145     //HELIX 1 1 LYS A 17 LEU A 26 1
146     // helix ser beg res ser end res ser
147     p = Pattern.compile("^HELIX..(...).{9}"+chainCodeStr+".(....).{6}"+chainCodeStr+".(....)");
148     m = p.matcher(line);
149     if (m.find()){
150     int serial = Integer.valueOf(;
151     int beg = Integer.valueOf(;
152     int end = Integer.valueOf(;
153     String ssId = "H"+serial;
154 duarte 222 secstruct2resinterval.put(ssId, new Interval(beg,end));
155 duarte 219 for (int i=beg;i<=end;i++){
156     if (resser2secstruct.containsKey(i)){// if already assigned we print a warning and then assign it
157 stehr 250 //System.err.println("Inconsistency in secondary structure assignment. " +
158     // "Residue "+i+" is getting reassigned from "+resser2secstruct.get(i)+" to "+ssId);
159 duarte 219 }
160     resser2secstruct.put(i,ssId);
161     }
162     }
163     // sheet
164     //SHEET 2 A 5 ILE A 96 THR A 99 -1 N LYS A 98 O THR A 107
165     // strand ser sheet id beg res ser end res ser
166     p = Pattern.compile("^SHEET..(...).(...).{7}"+chainCodeStr+"(....).{6}"+chainCodeStr+"(....)");
167     m = p.matcher(line);
168     if (m.find()){
169     int strandSerial = Integer.valueOf(;
170     String sheetId =;
171     int beg = Integer.valueOf(;
172     int end = Integer.valueOf(;
173     String ssId = "S"+sheetId+strandSerial;
174 duarte 222 secstruct2resinterval.put(ssId, new Interval(beg,end));
175 duarte 219 for (int i=beg;i<=end;i++){
176     if (resser2secstruct.containsKey(i)){// if already assigned we print a warning and then assign it
177 stehr 250 //System.err.println("Inconsistency in secondary structure assignment. " +
178     // "Residue "+i+" is getting reassigned from "+resser2secstruct.get(i)+" to "+ssId);
179 duarte 219 }
180     resser2secstruct.put(i,ssId);
181     }
182     }
183     // we've stored the sec structure info in the strands2begEnd and sheets2strands maps.
184     // the assignment to resser2secstruct is done when we reach the ATOM lines, see below
185     // turn
186     //TURN 1 S1A GLY A 16 GLN A 18 SURFACE
187     // turn ser beg res ser end res ser
188     p = Pattern.compile("^TURN...(...).{9}"+chainCodeStr+"(....).{6}"+chainCodeStr+"(....)");
189     m = p.matcher(line);
190     if (m.find()){
191     int serial = Integer.valueOf(;
192     int beg = Integer.valueOf(;
193     int end = Integer.valueOf(;
194     String ssId = "T"+serial;
195 duarte 222 secstruct2resinterval.put(ssId, new Interval(beg,end));
196 duarte 219 for (int i=beg;i<=end;i++){
197     if (resser2secstruct.containsKey(i)){// if already assigned we print a warning and then assign it
198 stehr 250 //System.err.println("Inconsistency in secondary structure assignment. " +
199     // "Residue "+i+" is getting reassigned from "+resser2secstruct.get(i)+" to "+ssId);
200 duarte 219 }
201     resser2secstruct.put(i,ssId);
202     }
203     }
204     // MODEL
205 duarte 207 p = Pattern.compile("^MODEL\\s+(\\d+)");
206     m = p.matcher(line);
207     if (m.find()){
208     thismodel=Integer.parseInt(;
209     }
210     if (thismodel!=model) continue; // we skip reading of atom lines if we are not in the desired model
211 duarte 219 // ATOM
212 duarte 207 p = Pattern.compile("^ATOM");
213     m = p.matcher(line);
214     if (m.find()){
215 duarte 208 // serial atom res_type chain res_ser x y z
216     Pattern pl = Pattern.compile(".{6}(.....).{2}(...).{1}(...).{1}"+chainCodeStr+"(.{4}).{4}(.{8})(.{8})(.{8})",Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
217 duarte 207 Matcher ml = pl.matcher(line);
218     if (ml.find()) {
219     empty=false;
220     int atomserial=Integer.parseInt(;
221     String atom =;
222     String res_type =;
223     int res_serial = Integer.parseInt(;
224     double x = Double.parseDouble(;
225     double y = Double.parseDouble(;
226     double z = Double.parseDouble(;
227 duarte 226 Point3d coords = new Point3d(x,y,z);
228 duarte 207 ArrayList<String> aalist=AA.aas();
229     if (aalist.contains(res_type)) {
230     atomser2coord.put(atomserial, coords);
231     atomser2resser.put(atomserial, res_serial);
232     resser2restype.put(res_serial, res_type);
233     ArrayList<String> atomlist = aas2atoms.get(res_type);
234     if (atomlist.contains(atom)){
235     resser_atom2atomserial.put(res_serial+"_"+atom, atomserial);
236     }
237     }
238     }
239     }
240     }
241     fpdb.close();
242 stehr 215 if (empty) {
243     //System.err.println("Couldn't find any atom line for given pdbChainCode: "+pdbChainCode+", model: "+model);
244     throw new PdbChainCodeNotFoundError("Couldn't find any ATOM line for given pdbChainCode: "+pdbChainCode+", model: "+model);
245     }
246 duarte 207 // now we read the sequence from the resser2restype HashMap
247     // NOTE: we must make sure elsewhere that there are no unobserved residues, we can't check that here!
248     ArrayList<Integer> ressers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
249     for (int resser:resser2restype.keySet()) {
250     ressers.add(resser);
251     }
252     Collections.sort(ressers);
253     for (int resser:ressers){
254     String oneletter = AA.threeletter2oneletter(resser2restype.get(resser));
255     sequence += oneletter;
256     }
257     }
258 duarte 219
259 duarte 207 }