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NewsForge: Changing the interface of scientific computing
Submitted by David Lapointe; posted on Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Well, that's what they claim in this NewsForge Article and I don't doubt it really. Many of the areas that "change the face of scientific computing" have happened already on other OSes and are being ported rapidly, and improved in the process of porting, to OSX, errh what's that flavor of Unix?
"Bud Tribble is in charge of the long-term technical direction of Apple's software engineering strategy. And, being an actual scientist, he is also charge with seeing that Apple continues to ascend in the scientific computing market."
"Most of the key scientific applications being used today originated in the open source world," Tribble said. "Because they are mostly so project- and data-specific in nature, these applications obviously are not for everyone. But there are a number of highly successful ongoing projects that are serving the scientific community very well right now."
It will be interesting to see whether Apple can get the G5 off of the desktop and into datacenters.
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