2004 Benjamin Franklin Award
Awarded to Lincoln D. Stein

Lincoln D. Stein is awarded the 2004 Benjamin Franklin Award for his creation of a great number of open-source bioinformatics programs and for championing open-source principals in many venues, including published reviews, lectures, seminars, funding-review panels, and advisory board meetings.

Dr. Stein works at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island. His current work includes the GMOD project to produce open-source software components for model organism bioinformatics; the Generic Genome Browser, a web-based genome visualization system; Genome Knowledgebase, for the ontology of core biological pathways; Gramene, a comparative genome browser for grasses; and the Bioperl software library, of which he is a core developer.

Slides from Dr. Stein's laureate seminar (1.520 MB PowerPoint)