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  • MSAReveal - Summary

    Member list for project: MSAReveal

    If you would like to contribute to this project by becoming a member, contact one of the project admins, designated in bold text below.

    Real name Biography
    Eric Martz
    Eric Martz

    Cellular immunology, 1963-1997, 65 pubs. Taught immunology UMass Amherst 1981-2003. Early 1990s, free flow cytometry software MFI, ~30K lines C ( 1995 founded RasMol Home Page and EMail list. First NSF DUE grant 1997, molecular visualization workshops for college faculty. 1998-2005, Protein Explorer (MERLOT Award); 2nd NSF DUE grant 2000-2006). 2005-present, FirstGlance in Jmol ( used hundreds of times/day.


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