[BiO BB] How to FTP 34,000 protein files? Is it possible?

Hilmar Lapp hlapp at gmx.net
Sat Dec 10 22:26:31 EST 2005

Why not use mget and a wildcard expression using any vanilla or fancy 
ftp client? (Obviously, turn off the prompt beforehand, or you'll be 
asked 34,000 times to confirm the local filename ...)

On Dec 9, 2005, at 11:19 AM, Dr. Christoph Gille wrote:

> wget is not a good idea 'cos it connects and disconnect for every 
> protein
> file.
> There are ftp clients where you can give a list of the files you
> want to download.
> I have forgotten the name of the ftp client I used for the same 
> purpose.
> There are also bunch of ftp mirror programs which will work.
> The mirror programs however are more difficult to use.
> Just search your software manager for the terms ftp and mirror or ftp 
> and
> scriptable.
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Hilmar Lapp                            email: lapp at gnf.org
GNF, San Diego, Ca. 92121              phone: +1-858-812-1757

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