Hello users/developers! Our latest stable release, 3.00a, is available for download, or CVS checkout. I have also repaired the CVS repository after last weeks hard drive crash at bioinformatics.org so you can safely cvs update to get the latest stable code. This is the Genquire version which is being sent to the reviewers of the Genquire manuscript (submitted to Bioinformatics journal) and the Genquire book chapter (to be included in "Computational Genomics", edited by Richard Grant). If anyone wants pre-publication copies of either of these manuscripts let us know. Genquire 3.00a is stable with BioPerl version 1.0a (the alpha release preceeding the final 1.0 release which will happen very very soon!), and version 1.0 of go-dev (available from sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/projects/geneontology/). There is, apparently, a problem of incompatability between the current versions of Tk and Tk::JPEG available on CPAN. The problem has been resolved with the ActiveState release of ActivePerl/PPM as of last week, but apparently not with the current CPAN modules. As such, I discourage users from updating their Tk or Tk::JPEG modules until this problem is ironed out... sorry, but there's not much we can do about it at our end... it aint our problem :-) Cheers all! M & D -- -------------------------------- "Speed is subsittute fo accurancy." ________________________________ Dr. Mark Wilkinson Bioinformatics Group National Research Council of Canada Plant Biotechnology Institute 110 Gymnasium Place Saskatoon, SK Canada