[Molvis-list] rasmol "Unable to find RasMol help file!"

Old Address jr at imb-jena.de
Thu May 26 19:56:34 EDT 2005

Old Address wrote:

> I think its most likely an effect of the need of old M$DOS 8.3 path 
> names, that is why my rasmol.bat startup script passes the first 
> argument (which is the path and filename of the temporary RasMolScript 
> file which was created by the web browser) %1 as %~s1 

haveing a look on what these s modifier stands for (short path names) in 
%~s1 I realize
that my rasmol.bat script to fire up RasMol using a RasMolScript could
be much shorter and what is of more importance, more secure (not
dependent on the length of the batch file name itself), by combining *d*
drive, *p* path and *s* short:

@set RAZ=%~s1
@set RASMOLPATH=%~dps0
%RASMOLPATH%raswin.exe -script %RAZ%

regards, Jan

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