The steps to install SNP tools in Windows 2000, XP + Excel 2000-2003

0. Download and save SNP tools and save it in the MS Add-In folder, for example: ¡°C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserID\Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns (this could vary slightly in different version of MS-Windows). remember the place.

1. Click the tools button in MS-Excel and click "Add-Ins¡­¡±:


2. Select the "Browse...":


3. Find the place you downloaded and saved the SNP tools xla file:


4. Select the either SNP_tools.xla and click OK:


5. Then ¡°SNP_tools created by Bowang Chen¡± has to be checked:


6. A welcome window will show the SNP tools is installed:


7. A new menu item "SNP" will be shown in the main menu bar, and the submenu items are ready to use:

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